Archivos de Ayuda Enero 2000 por hilo
Desde: Sab Ene 1 01:01:54 CST 2000
Hasta: Lun Ene 31 23:57:28 CST 2000
Mensajes: 3631
- [Ayuda] Dreamweaver en Linux
Iván Caballero Cano
- AYUDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [Ayuda] video NVIDIA lt
- [Ayuda] hp deskjet (calidad borrador)
- OFF-Topic (Feliz milenio)!!!
Gregorio Toscano
- Unidad Syquest
David Martínez Cuevas
- Problema para conectarme a ISP.
L.I Alonso Becerra Gómez
- No levanta el samba.
Jorge Cardoso
- Sendmail ,hostname y Apache
Andrés M. Benavides
- Configurar pine
Andrés M. Benavides
- yellow dog linux!
Gabo J.
- más dudas
Salvador Alejandro Magaña O.
- +dudas
Salvador Alejandro Magaña O.
- +dudas
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- +dudas
Omar Ballesteros Perez <Navigate>
- +dudas
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- no importa
Javier Tadeo Granados
Edwin Huertas
Edwin Huertas
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Doble configuracion de PATH
Gregorio Granados
- compra de un modem
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Passwd File
L.I Alonso Becerra Gómez
- imprimir man
R Piedrito
- comprar un linux
- tarjeta SCSI Adaptec 2940
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Informacion
L.I. Cesar Martínez Camacho
- Samba c/win98
LUKE (Soporte Tecnico)
- [Ayuda] Kylix open source si existe y ya esta disponible para bajarlo de la red de borland
Iván Caballero Cano
- [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Re: [Ayuda] Un ejemplo deéxito en oficinas medianas usando linux enlugar de windows
Iván Caballero Cano
- [Ayuda] Sistema Legam, teléfono no funciona
Iván Caballero Cano
- montaje del disco windows
Negrete Santiago
- Una de PHP3
Sandino Araico Sánchez
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Ayuda en la instalacion de un programa
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- linux
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- ayuda!!!
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- GCC y CC
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- ¿Cómo activo mi modem?
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Ayuda sobre tiendas virtuales en Linux....
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Dudas varias (ya usando Linux)
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Sobre usernet
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Donde puedo bajar APACHE?
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- inbox
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Solicitud de información
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- RV: una-al-dia (22/12/1999) Ataque DoS a los kernel Linux 2.0.x (fwd)
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- capturar la hora
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Como configuro Linux para conectarme a Internet
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- RH6.0 en ThikPad 380Z
Fabian Lara
- Que puedo hacer con SAMBA?
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Smbfs y automount
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Un regalito ...
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Puede resultar interesante
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Ayudad a un pobre principiante!!!!!!
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Star Office
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- help!!!!!
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Staroffice por FTP!
Fernando Barajas D.L..
- Tacacs o Radius ?!
De jjuarez 02
- problemas con mysql
- OFF Topic
Jose Julian Abarca Chavez
Bacho Briceño
- ataques!!!
Eduardo Sacristan
- Problema con XWindows y PATH
Gregorio Granados
- PostgrSQL y PERL
Raúl Argáez
- Sigo sin encontrar el SCSI-HOWTO
- Fw: [RHSA-2000:001-02] New version of usermode, pam
Allan Baker Ortegon
- Cambiando Windows por LINUX!
Edna I. Cruz Diaz
- Archivos .dat de video en Linux
Ing. Jesus Delgado
- PERDON POR BUG de POP o de RH6.1
- named y shaper
Alex Leyva
- [johnsonm en [RHSA-2000:001-02] New version of usermode, pam]
Miguel de Icaza
- necesito ayuda para configurar mi enlace a internet
Gregorio Toscano
- Linux en Compaq LTE 5000?
- Oficina sin Papeles
Lugio David Román B.
- Fork() inmortal en Perl
Gunnar Wolf
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- urgente localiza a...
Lic. Gerardo Jiménez Aguado
- urgente localizar a ...
Lic. Gerardo Jiménez Aguado
- documentacion
Jesús Juárez
- Servicio de comunicación en intranet
Jorge Cedi Medina
- monitoreo
Usuarios de linux
- Borland hara de Interbase un Open Source
Linux Rules
- problemas con sendmail
Gonzalo Vela
- Fwd: urgente localizar a...
tavo en
- Busco alternativas a "MS Proyect" para usar en Linux
Enrique A. Sanchez N.
- Crear mis propios rpms??
Daniel Manrique
- no funciona PCMCIA
- Samba - Win98
Mariano Gabriel Consoni
- manuales de tcl/tk
- Ayuda!! (Tarjeta Trident 3DImage 975)
- grbadora ide
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Modulo
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- StarOffice51
Sergio Rdz. Parra
- vmware
Gunnar Wolf
- ??????
Gunnar Wolf
- Permisos (era: RE: AYUDA EN WINDOWS NT !!!!!!!!!)
Gunnar Wolf
- EN WINDOWS NT !!!!!!!!! (Permisos de Linux)
Martin H. Hoz Salvador
- Empleo
Jose Manuel Benita
- Samba Logon scripts
Luis Vélez
Mariano Gabriel Consoni
Javier Bolaños Molina
Federico Javier Fernandez
Mariano Gabriel Consoni
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Descomprimir archivos bz2
Ing. Jesus Delgado
- Linux como ISP
- Otra de PINE
Andrés M. Benavides
- principiante solicita orientacion
maryped en
- Solaris 7
Rodrigo Rios Martinez
- Pregunta
David Velásquez
- China prohibe el uso de Windows 2000 en el gobierno, opta por Red Flag Linux
Gunnar Wolf
- Pedir password en apache
R Piedrito
- Ayuda
- Ayuda
- Ayuda
- ayuda
- ayuda
craysek T
- Ayuda
Decsa Sistemas, S.A. de C.V.
- ayuda
ISC. Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido
- ayuda
luisantoniox en
DaRk ShAmAn
- red hat intel
Juan Manuel Contreras
- ¿donde consigo el hpmodeset?
aglae ivanovna
- POP3 Help
Ricardo Martin Casanova
- Otra de POP3
Luis Gerardo Jaramillo
- kernel panic ?
- Como configuro la red ...
Juan Manuel Contreras
- ayuda, please......
- Ayuda con Particion
Guillermo Gomez VIlla
- Majordomo
Julio Carrillo
- Ayuda con instalacion de linux 6.1
Eloy Espozo Espinoza
- imprimir ps
Pedro Arturo Góngora Luna
- Disco de drivers en la RH 6.1
- Cómo va el USB?
Andrés M. Benavides
- programador de memorias
- KGateway (GPL)
Cesar Villanueva
- Instalacion de correo electronico
Linux Rules
- eliminar procesos
Ulises Ponce
- Necesito ayuda
Gonzalo Gordián Hdez.
- Samba acceso
Fortino Jimenez
- Chequen esta Pagina
Ivan Rivera
- RedHat 6.1 Lento /Configuracion de video en Placa Intel 810
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- redhat linux
José Antonio Galicia
- ???
Sergio Rdz. Parra
- sendmail error
Juan Santos Espinoza Perez
- Instalacion en IBM RS-6000(Power PC)
Juan Jose Gonzalez Moreno
- hp7200e
Pedro Arturo Góngora Luna
- urgeme!!!!!!!
- captura de pantallas
antonio montes
- Usuario Nuevo de Linux
Francisco Gonzalez Rico
- necesito informacion de lenguaje similar a C en unix
Rafael Marquez Lopez
- Nuevo usuario de Linux
Francisco González Rico
- Man extraño
Andrés M. Benavides
- Seguridad
Claudio Mazzoli
- [notting en [RHSA-2000:002] New lpr packages available]
Miguel de Icaza
- Suscripcion o resuscripcion
Mario Medina Nussbaum
- Solicitud de informacion
El Turkito
- Aplicaciones en Glade
Miguel Santos
- Aplicaciones en Glade (fwd)
Miguel Santos
- The Gimp
Mariano Gabriel Consoni
- Como me suscribo???
Benito M
- Corriendo Linux por 1a vez...
Alejandro Tellez
- Samba...
- Varias preguntas
- Cambio del tamaño del area de swap
Biasoft Cia. Ltda.
- cursos
- Velocidad RH 6.1
Linux Rules
- Problemas con Disco Duro
Ing. Dario Caballero Altamirano
- Murio el Disco Duro
Luis Gerardo Jaramillo
- Fwd: failure notice
Baltazar Ruiz
- Problemas con Majordomo
Gustavo Barradas Culebro
Daniel Lopez
Omar Armas Aleman
- Problemas con Telnet
Gonzalo Gordián Hdez.
- 'c' siempre que salgo del vi
Gregorio Granados
- clientes windows
Jesús Juárez
- Telmex quiere cobrar el minuto en telefonma local
Javier Bolaños Molina
- Sendmail
Gonzalo Gordián Hdez.
- problemas con LILO
- sblive driver
Omar Armas Aleman
- decodificar pascal
Ulises Ponce
- OFF-TOPIC: Que friega si lo llevan a cabo...
gNoMo .
- pine attachments
Omar Armas Aleman
- Zip drive
Fernando Barajas
- Netscape
Fernando Barajas
- Postgresql.
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Perl-TK
- enlightenment + gnome + poca memoria de video
Eduardo Alvarez Guzman
- Netscape y tamaño de fuentes
Fortino Jimenez
- X no empieza
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- Linux como PDC (Primary Domain Controller)
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- OFFTOPIC: hardware
Victor Manuel Jaquez Leal
- Rings en el PPP Server
Julio Galicia
- [Fwd: v2.0.39pre1 Announcement]
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- X tampoco empieza
David Flores
- duda ICQ
José Alfredo Silva
- pppd server en RH 6.1
luke en
- Atyuda con IPCHAINS
Biasoft Cia. Ltda.
- Fallas en postgresql
Eduardo Israel Osorio Hernández
- como configurar modem interno
Fermín de la Cruz Bermúdez
- RV: Vota para la nueva lista.
Luis Fernando Villanueva Pérez
- pico
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- Gracias, por ayudar a un NUEVO
Romualdo Zarco Santiago
- encriptacion
Roberto Rico Ch.
- como me salgo de la lista?
Tribológica Andina
- PIII Vs. K7
Roberto Leal Guerra
- laptop??
- configurar tarjeta davicom 9102
- LAST muy grande....
Martin H. Hoz Salvador
- ¿ donde?
- [Fwd: Una de PHP3]
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Clasificacion de fallos de pagina.
Javier Bolaños Molina
- Ayuda con los dispositivos con Linux
Urbina Danny
- smbmount
Fortino Jimenez
- Host on demand
Porfirio.Avila en
- nesesito manual de instalacion
- Iconos chicos
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- Tengo problemas con mi modem y tarjeta de sonido
Humberto Medina
- como montar archivos NFS
Giesla Rojas Cruz
- Otra de Postgresql.
gNoMo .
- RV: configurar tarjeta davicom 9102
Antonio Molina Bravo
- ls colores
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- Sobre Apache SSL
- Pregunta de Cron.
Octavio Paez Osuna
- que herramientas hay para el desarrollo de paginas en Linux
Manolo Garcia Echeverría
Jorge Cardoso
- No tengo que dar de alta DNS
Daniel Lopez
- Usuario de Linux
Francisco González Rico
- subscribe linux-ayuda
Jesus Armando Flores Alvarez
- ?perl DBI-DBD Informix
Fermín de la Cruz Bermúdez
Oscar Cano
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- Compilacion del Kernel
Ing. Jesus Delgado
- arranque por defecto de NT
- mail desde el web
Daniel Manrique
- Solicitud de ayuda
Eduardo lang
- RV: Tacacs o Radius ?!
Jorge Juarez Tacuba
- duda sobre monitor
Ariel.Cuenca en
- GNOME, Animacion Al Desplegar Ventana
Gregorio Granados
- [linux] Disco duro
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- ayuda con lilo
sergio h
- curso de php
Eric Cortes Trujillo
- pasar información de un disco a otro!!!
Manuel Pedroza Macías
- FAT dañada :-(
Gustavo Rodriguez
- Guía de referencia y tutorial de C
Andrés M. Benavides
- Ventajas
Roberto Rico Ch.
- Ayuda sobre actualizacion del Kernel.
pompa en
- .
Admin GPM
- Quota
Herminio Heredia Santos
- Por Favor, Necesito AYUDA.....
Andres Actis Caporale
- GNOME, Dibujo Lento de Contenido de Ventanas (Resuelto)
Gregorio Granados
- Pregunta acerca de compilación de programas
Pedro Barbosa
- Proteccion de un directorio Web
Israel Zavalza Bahena
- password con vencimiento?
- Driver PsqlODBC para acceso a PostgreSQL desde Windows
Vladimir Flores
- [Fwd: Problemas con Disco Duro]
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- linuxconf
- proc y linuxconf
- problema con LinuxPPP
Manolo Garcia Echeverría
- Orientenme
jorge uriostegui
- Gracias !!
dlopez en
- Otra pregunta....
Pedro Barbosa
- Pregunta acerca de LILO
- Duda con ftp....
linux en
- Bajar todo un directorio por FTP
Fernando Barajas
- Problema con Mouse y las X
Miguel Angel López Hernández
- Subscripcion
Roberto Torres
- HOLA .....! como puedo instalar linux?. Teniendo un sistema Operativo instalado (windows) y además que particionador debo utilizar?
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Impresora....
Gerardo Herrera Tenorio
- Servidor IMAP
Herminio Heredia Santos
- useradd
- failure notice (fwd)
- Japones
Mario Medina Nussbaum
- Cual Linux?
- problema con netscape, java y fuera de redhat :P
Mario Medina Nussbaum
- [linux-l] - URGENTE
- ayuda con glibc
David Eduardo gomez Noguera
- Apache
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- Apache
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- Apache
Ing. Roberto Andrade Fonseca
- ICQ en linux...
Victor Manuel Jaquez Leal
- [OFF-TOPIC] Oportunidad de Trabajo
Martin H. Hoz Salvador
- Que es la
Jorge Juarez Tacuba
- Cambiar Dominio WinNT por Linux.
- como configurar un servidor unix.....
marisol claudia
Helio Yago Mateu
José Antonio Galicia
Ing. Romy Perez Moreno
- prueba
Ing. Jesus Delgado
- pregunta
Daniel Manrique
Ángel Carrasco
- (Off Topic) Nueva Distribución
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Modems que corren bajo linux?
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Ejecucion de un programa en C para X Window
Roberto Jimeno
- pregunta extemporanea
Roberto Rico Ch.
Fernando Barajas
- FTP no contesta...
R Piedrito
- Problemas con el g++ y otras dudas...
- samba - keepalive?
David Limon Romero
- DS0
Itzcoalt Alvarez Moreno
- información
Oscar J Quintero Giraldo
- X y notebook
Felipe Esquivel
- cambio de cuentas
- Off-topic: Manejadores de version de documentos
Fco Benavides
- /proc
- ayuda en PHP3
- Cordial invitación
Juan Sebastian Téllez
- pregunta telnet?
David Velásquez
- Deficiencias en PostgreSQL!
gNoMo .
- [Linux-Plug] ayuda en PHP3
Susana Silva Vega
- servidor SQL
Juan Bernardo de Legarreta Lores
- SQUID Maestro y esclavo
Daniel Manrique
- ayuda no tengo video SIS 5595
Josué Contreras
- que tal
Enrique Dueñez S|ilva
- impresion en red
- WebCam?
- Compatibilidad de RedHat 6.1 con 4.2
- Caracteres ASCII
Daniel Manrique
- SMTP error
Mauricio Tellez
- Hola!!!
Francisco González Rico
- Drivers para tarjetas eicon!!
Ing. Israel Garcia Alvarez
- Espacio de Disco Duro.
Ing. Israel Garcia Alvarez
- imagen iso
Roberto Rico Ch.
- DUDA!!
- DUDA!!
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- DUDA!!
Sandino Araico Sánchez
- Demora en enviar
Edwin Huertas
- Doble procesador
Roberto Rico Ch.
- Vota para la nueva lista.
Roberto Jimeno
- Cyclades PC300
Fernando Oropeza Adame
- Necesito webmail...
marthaguerrero en
- RV: Sobre particiones
ISC. Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido
- Quiero una sangoma...
Jose Alberto Huerta Glez
- Pregunta de X
Roberto Rico Ch.
- Premio para RH 6.1
Ing. Roberto Andrade Fonseca
- Imprimir PDF hojas impares luego pares
Manuel Leos
- necesito configurar mis proxis en linus
Roberto Candia
- Temas de lista
Agustin R. C.
- Tarjeta de Sonido
Javier Bolaños Molina
- Problema de impresión en Mandrake 6.0
Edgar Oropeza
León Andrievsky
- PCMCIA support for Alpha broken...
Dominik Kubla
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Davide Libenzi
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Davide Libenzi
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
James A Simmons
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Davide Libenzi
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Keith Bottner
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Peter Rival
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Ed Tomlinson
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Mark Hahn
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Davide Libenzi
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Davide Libenzi
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Phillip Ezolt
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Peter Rival
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
H. Peter Anvin
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Ingo Molnar
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Brian Hurt
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
David Schwartz
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Brian Hurt
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Sean Hunter
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Alan Cox
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Brian Hurt
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
James Manning
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Sean Hunter
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Bill Huey
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Pavel Machek
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Jamie Lokier
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Ingo Molnar
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
David Schwartz
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Dean Gaudet
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
David Schwartz
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Brian Hurt
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
michael_schulz en
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Horst von Brand
- Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads
Brian Hurt
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Chuck Lever
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Peter Rival
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Davide Libenzi
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Helge Hafting
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Ian Soboroff
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Phillip Ezolt
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Chris McClellen
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Davide Libenzi
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Alex Khripin
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Dale Amon
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Larry McVoy
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Horst von Brand
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Robin Golden
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Ed Tomlinson
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
Jonathan Walther
- Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM
justinf en
- eepro100 problems with 2.2.15pre[123]
Savochkin Andrey Vladimirovich
- Email de linux
Agustin R. C.
- Userland Kernel Download Tool
Horst von Brand
- 2.3.40-5 -- "apm" no longer recognizes that I have an APM-ena bled kernel.
Andy Henroid
- Symbolic links en ftp
Juan Pablo Zaldivar Carrillo
- 2.2.15pre3 compile failure in qnx4 fs (with write enabled)
Anders Larsen
- need type to carry kernel pointers to user space
Mitchell Blank Jr
- Games with support of sound direct DMA buffer access
Constantin Lazarev
- Undefined symbols in 2.3.39
Stephen Foskett
- [PATCH] 2.2.1{3,4,5} VM fix
Rik van Riel
- [PATCH] 2.2.1{3,4,5} VM fix
Andrea Arcangeli
- [PATCH] 2.2.1{3,4,5} VM fix
Rik van Riel
- [PATCH] 2.2.1{3,4,5} VM fix
Alan Cox
- [PATCH] 2.2.1{3,4,5} VM fix
Andrea Arcangeli
- [PATCH] 2.2.1{3,4,5} VM fix
Andrea Arcangeli
- [PATCH] 2.2.1{3,4,5} VM fix
Andrea Arcangeli
- IBM's findings
Alan Cox
- Typos in drivers/sbus/audio/dbri.c
Dominik Kubla
- problem with ide-scsi in 2.2.x kernel > 2.2.13
Martin Josefsson
- Intel 810 sound support
Zach Brown
- Rockwell International Sound card Driver
Constantin Lazarev
- [2.3.3x] ALI M15x3 chipset support (EXPERIMENTAL)
Tom Crane
- Linux 2.2.15pre3
Christopher Barton
- 2GB memory limit on Alpha?
Rich Payne
- File formats (esp. ELF)
Eric Dumas
- Trident 4DWave NX
Trever Adams
- 2.3.* and PCMCIA
Nils Faerber
- 2.2.15pre3 compile failure in qnx4 fs
Leos Bitto
- [patch] smp-2.3.40-F2, x86 SMP fixes, IOAPIC on UP kernels
Ingo Molnar
- symbols and versioning...
Keith Owens
- [Semi-OT,important] ORBS globally blocks users of these lists
Marco Colombo
- 2.3.40-6 won't boot -- pci prob?
Don Fisher
- IDE multwrite prinks going crazy...
Stephen Foskett
- [PATCH] bug in non-blocking use of sound driver
Eric Lammerts
- Linux Trace Toolkit vs. IBM Kernel Trace Facility ... Re: Paper on "Java, Threads, and Scheduling in Linux"
Karim Yaghmour
- [PATCH] Security fixes for rt signals, siginfo posting
Jakub Jelinek
- SAMBA is Busted with Windows 2000
Jeff V. Merkey
- x86 APIC interrupts for UP i810 chipset?
Steve Underwood
- network block device server (nbdd)
Pavel Machek
- Oopses under 2.2.14...
Tymm Twillman
- [patch] Proper MCA detection for AHA-1640
Tom Sightler
- Unexecutable Stack / Buffer
Richard Zidlicky
- IBM & Linux
Adam Fritzler
- PCMCIA and USB 2.3.40-6
Wakko Warner
- 2.2.14 feels slow and non-interactive.
Mike A. Harris
- New Bridge patch for 2.3.x - Give this a whirl to test it.
Bernard Wei
- 2.3.40-5-for-al hang on boot
Alexander Viro
- possible SMP problem in fs/inode.c?
Tim Walberg
- 2.2.14 OOPS: Unable to handle kernel paging request
Kevin O'Connor
- Fix struct siginfo
Guest section DW
- Grabbing physical memory ranges.
Mike A. Harris
- Sin asunto
gacs en
- problem with 2.3.9.
Mike A. Harris
- RTSP, RTP with Linux
jordi ros
- Known egcs/gcc bugs?
Nils Faerber
- drivers/telephony and winmodems
Carlos Morgado
- compile error: base/index register must be 32 bit register
Chris Noe
- Sockets stuck in FIN_WAIT1 (2.2.14)
Mike A. Harris
- ide-tape.c::idetape_init() issues
James Manning
- Recovering from ext2 corruption on an ide drive
tytso en MIT.EDU
- Masquerade bean-counting
Michael Clark
- A bug in the ATA66 support for Intel 82801AA/82801AB in 2.3.39?
H . J . Lu
- Constant byteorder macros.
H. Peter Anvin
- another attempt [Re: possible SMP problem in fs/inode.c?]
tewalberg en
- [Patch] Cleanup struct gendisk registration, 2.3.40-pre1
Theodore Y. Ts'o
- Como recuperar archivos borrados con el comando rm?
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- problemas con alias del sendmail
Gonzalo Vela
- Problem with kernel upgrading
Sergey Zyuzin
- Quiescent filesystems marked with EXT2_VALID_FS while still mounted?
tytso en MIT.EDU
- kernel panics at google
David desJardins
- [patch] Support for 3Com PCI modem + Generic PCI serials
tytso en MIT.EDU
- ¿diseño de BD en Linux? ¿Juegos en Navegadores?
Gregorio Granados
- static int's for proc_change_penalty and tlb_flush_penalty
James Manning
- DirectPc con linux
Patrick Vielle
- ide.c module error
Sean McNeil
- kernel_version needed, but can't be found
Du Jinsong
- Recent change in tcp_output.c is surely wrong
Jamie Lokier
- ext2_free_blocks (fwd)
tytso en
- [patch-2.3.40-pre6] nfds limit for poll() raised to 131 million (is that enough?)
Tigran Aivazian
- Opciones de f77
Marco Polo Flores López
- CPU usage (Read by `top`)
Sergey Kubushin
- trident 4Dwave NX continuation and IP stack
Trever Adams
- Problemas con cd
- PCI in docking station
Martin Mares
- anyone measured context-switch cost on Linux/ia32?
Mikael Pettersson
- disco imagen
Oscar Reyes
- scsi tape: does kernel give wrong info to cpio?
Giulio Orsero
- In memory core dump facility available for Alpha
David Winchell
- eepro100 with 2.2.14, and 2.3.39 slot problem ! ( BUG?)
Andrej Todosic
- Trivial patch to cmpci.c
Iain Lowe
- tarjeta SB16
Javier Bolaños Molina
- [2.3.{39,40}] shrink_mmap: unknown LRU page
Christoph Rohland
- Linux crypto patch for 2.3 kernels
André Dahlqvist
- Pregunta de Subredes
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- 2.3.40-6 locks up the keyboard and mouse. It also fails to load my PCMCIA drivers.
Miles Lane
- In what order are devices enumerated?
Damir Cosic
Omar Ballesteros Perez <Navigate>
- If you have incoming email problems..
Matti Aarnio
- ethernet device probing 2.2.x -> 2.3.x
Andreas Tobler
- Oops [486 SX 25]
Jon Masters
- Instaladores de Linux
Ricardo Martin Moreno Monforte
- conf. sendmail para clientes Winbug
Raúl Lopéz
- Ref.: Pregunta de X
Enrique A. Sánchez Núñez
- VIA VT82C686A southbridge datasheets
Juhani Rautiainen
- Scheduler patch recoding ...
Davide Libenzi
- umount-root-3
almesber en
- Suid Shell Scripts
Helge Hafting
- 2.2.x Memory subsystem questions
Rik van Riel
- [Linus] Mobile Linux integration
Sam Powell
- Page table optimizations in Linux and FreeBSD
Jeff Garzik
- POSIX.1b Timers
schandra en
- 2.2.14 oopses : is this a clue ?
willy tarreau
- [patch-2.3.40-pre6] kzalloc() (ala kmem_zalloc() of SVR4)
Tigran Aivazian
- Udelay and new CPUs
Alan Cox
- [patch] 2.3.39: Don't use bounce buffer when not needed (parport)
Tim Waugh
- Pentium Pro MTRR & Graphics Card
- [patch] smp-2.3.40-F4, x86 SMP improvements
Ingo Molnar
- rwlocks revisited
David Howells
- 2.2.14 IDE oddity
- RAID Driver needs non-destructive partition concatenation
Jeff V. Merkey
- Strange swapon/swapoff problem
Khimenko Victor
- TM3120 and udelay.
Rogier Wolff
- Domain Validation with aic7xxx.c scsi driver
Alex Buell
- PCMCIA, lockup in X when hotswapping
- [slightly off-topic] Network booting - Coda
almesber en
- [Acpi] Re: 2.3.40-5 -- "apm" no longer recognizes that I have an APM-ena bled kernel.
Andy Henroid
- IRQ clash problems with 2.2.14 and 2.3.33?
James Fidell
- arch/i386/kernel/signals.c: recalc_sigpending without spinlock
Manfred Spraul
- Kernel BUG at ll_rw_blk.c (__make_request), 2.3.39
Claudio Matsuoka
- unsuscribe
Armandy Trujillo
- Devices not supporting read-6....
Rogier Wolff
- kNFS troubles (2.2.14pre15, Mandrake 7.0)
Jens Benecke
- xmms skipping during window drag/resize operations
Singh, Kirat
- problema con sendmail..
Nestor Beltran Torres
- Verify?
Meelis Roos
- [patch] 2.3.40pre6: Take 3: avoid bounce buffers
Tim Waugh
- What happens on bogomips going wrong?
David Hinds
- 2.2.1[34]: /dev/ttyS1 affects /dev/ttyS0
Michael Kwasigroch
- Eepro 100 issues
wayne en
- Save 50-80% on International Calls and Win $500 in Free phone calls!
sayhello en
- [RFC][PATCH] schedule changes
Dimitris Michailidis
- Vota para la nueva lista!
Roman Rangel Arias
- Bug Report - ide-cd vs. ide-scsi
Avi Shevin
- 2.2.13 + ide-tape 1.16e, weird IDE errors during backups
Nelson Minar
- Forwarding your mail
- Trouble compiling 2.3.39 (also 2.3.40-6) with Athlon support..
Jarkko Lietolahti
- como hacer una lista de discusion en Linux?
Usuarios de linux
- BBBS 2
Omar Ballesteros Perez <Navigate>
- BBBS 2
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- Dominio
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- Serial Device Driver Entry Hooks
Keith James Robertson
- Actualizacisn nfs muy lenta
Linux Rules
- Solicitud de Asesoria para Instalar LINUX
Miguel A. Martinez Guerra
- [patch] 2.2.15-pre3 kswapd fix
Andrea Arcangeli
- que servicios son importantes?
Jorge Antonio Gonzalez Fortuna
- Problemas al arrancar
- [PATCH] 2.2.14 VM fix #3
Rik van Riel
- [PATCH] __SMP__ to CONFIG_SMP patch for linux-2.3.40.
Niels Kristian Bech Jensen
- [PATCH] mincore for i386, against 2.3.40-3
Chuck Lever
- monster machine runs linux!
Derek Glidden
- Vota para la nueva lista
sombra en
- EINVAL when reading files in /proc/sys
H. Peter Anvin
- Cardbus problem in pre2.3.40-(4->6)
T . C . Raymond
Jim Roland
operator en
Michael Elizabeth Chastain
Jesse Pollard
- 2.2.9-2.2.14 TCP or IP problem with tulip.c?
Crispin Flowerday
- Inaccurate process time accounting
Jan Astalos
- Fix struct siginfo - patch for 2.3.41
Andreas Jaeger
- Virtual Private Networks
Mario Marquez
- Ayuda con SSH
Omar Armas Aleman
- EXT3 && Kernel 2.3.39?
Alron Bailey
- 2.3.36-pre on SPARC
Andre Hedrick
- Problems with FS buffering on Linux 2.2.14
Reinhold Huber
- Promise Ultra66 Hang
Justin Ward
- 2.2.15pre2: Bug in kernel/sched.c - attempt to remove not running task from runqueue
Andris Pavenis
- tcp/ip and 2.3.40 on Cyrix MII 300 with 128 meg of RAM
Trever Adams
- Infrared remote control driver
Melanie Rhianna Lewis
- Announce: bugfixes for autofs updates
Jeremy Fitzhardinge
- 2.3.39 and eepro transmitter restart
Savochkin Andrey Vladimirovich
- 2.3.40 unresolved symbols in modules
Garst R. Reese
- knfsd and locking w/Solaris server doesn't work
Boris Tobotras
- Save 50-80% on International Calls and Win $500 in Free phone calls
tohello en
- 2.3.40 blows away on shm swap test
Christoph Rohland
- CPU swapping on Linux
James Manning
- [Patch] shm fs against 2.3.40
Christoph Rohland
- NMI Watchdog detected LOCKUP on CPUn
Uwe Schmeling
- 2.3.40pre6 on P2 UP: Massive FS corruption on ext2
Horst von Brand
- Copy of an e-mail sent by Boyd Munro to AOPA's President (Bill Hamilton) and AOPA's Treasurer (Spencer Ferrier)
Boyd Munro
- Serious potential TCP-IP FLAW(was Re: kernel panics at google)
Alan Cox
- isdn connection no longer transmits packets
Oliver Neukum
- 2.3.39 blocking during AIC 7xxx initialization
Harald Dunkel
- 2.2.10-14 i686 SMP: IDE RAID-5 array hangs on mount
Khimenko Victor
- Linux 2.2.15pre4
linux.kernel en
- VFS: Disk change detected on device ide0(3,64)
Gregorio Granados
- Changes in fork ?
Richard B. Johnson
- 2.2.14 ps2 keyboard/mouse death
Paul Drummond
- [PATCH] VM fix + performance boost
Rik van Riel
- Oops on old 486
Jon Masters
- Standard Development Integration
Marco Colombo
- stop already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dean perlman
- Internet como usuario normal RH6.0
Fabian Lara
- access_ok problem through system_call
Niloufer Vajifdar
- ext2 file type errors
Ethan Benson
- Scheduler & semaphore patch for 2.2.14 ...
Davide Libenzi
- SMP filesystem corruption in 2.3.40 (and before) with sawmill "make install"
Simon Kirby
- Telnet sessions stick around
Ralf Wierzbicki
- Select and UDP problems
Perry The Cynic
- Booting Linux past the 8Gig boundary?
Kendall Bennett
- APM and MTRR
Nils Faerber
- What to do when out of memory
Aaron Lehmann
- Unresolved symbols in 2.3.40
Stephen Foskett
- is for_each_task broken on SMP?
Chris Sears
- incremental ac patches
Rafal Maszkowski
- [2.2.14] kmem_alloc: Bad slab magic (corrupt)
Peter Hanecak
- apm question
Mike Panetta
- Scheduler-thoughts for v2.5.x
David Weinehall
- Proposal for kernel change
Abramo Bagnara
- [ANNOUNCE] vesafb full VBE 2.0 support
Aki M Laukkanen
- Also 14, 14pre1[345] Re: Unkillable processes with 2.2.12/2.2.13pre17
Ville Herva
- Unkillable processes with 2.2.12,13pre17,14pre1[345],14
Ville Herva
- PPP/Modem problems - (was:Linux 2.2.15pre4)
linux.kernel en
- Suspicious code in i2c-dev.c
Russell King
- problem with linux kenel 2.2.10-ac10
Kitya Karlson
- stream.c
- Gnome
Agustin R. C.
- linux-kernel-digest V1 #71
Stephen Satchell
- Release date
William Scott Lockwood III
- [Patch] Sedlbauer PnP-Card SpeedWin
Martin Tessun
- Compiling 2.3.39
Daniele Medri
- Preventing gcc from aligning stack???
Jeff Garzik
- tralala
- [ANNOUNCE] hgafb (framebuffer driver for HGA cards) v0.1.3 released
Bakonyi Ferenc
- cmpci.c dma timeout
Diogo Zulli <strfry>
- ide-scsi problems with multiple CD-Rs on same channel (2.2.14)
- 2.3.40 compile problem with uid's
- the ATA-66 support issue ;)
Jim Breton
- My sister, who just turned 18 is looking for work...
- 2.3.41-pre2, problem loading ppa module
Jean-Luc Coulon
- msync() on NFS still broken in 2.3.40, patch still fixes
Jim Studt
- Dosemu EMS broken by /proc/self/mem changes (Was:Problem with certain kernels and DOSEMU)
Alberto Vignani
- select bug after 12 hours?
Martin Vogt
- doh! I hate when that happens
Erick Kinnee
- max file count exfs2
Gavin M. Roy
- [PATCH] kswapd less agressive
Rik van Riel
- LMC support
Zachary DeAquila
- 2.3.40 mouse and keyboard and ide death
Baloo Ursidae
- [PATCH] goeasy without typo :)
Rik van Riel
- [RFC] change in /proc/devices
Alexander Viro
- Compaq 8500 updates
Derek Glidden
- Framebuffer & 2.3.39
- [Re:Gnome]
Ariel Rios
- vger sending to USWEST people
Mike A. Harris
- abort:PIIX3 mothboard's IDE DMA
- Abort:vfat filesystem
- SYSRQ - does not work for me still.
Mike A. Harris
- Odd syslog entry. Possible breakin attempt?
Mike A. Harris
- como trbajo en red?
Daniel Bahena
- ALI M15x3 chipset support (EXPERIMENTAL) Migration...
Peter Steiner
- 2.3.x, FS corruption?
Philippe Strauss
- 2.3.40 nondeath
Andries.Brouwer en
- abort:frame buffer
Jeff Garzik
- cacheflush_time in arch/i386/kernel/smp.c (2.2.15pre4)
thunder7 en
- 2.3.40 unresolved symbol(s)
- Dominios con y sin www
- [OT] Partition table documentation pointer
Mike A. Harris
- Newbie question on iso9660: files partially AWOL ?
Piete Brooks
- Need help with network device driver development
Stuart Summerville (Deimus)
- linux-modem? donde puedo comprar?
Ing. Romy Perez Moreno
- Crash with IDE-SCSI CD and 2.2.15pre4 w/ide patches
Meelis Roos
- errors from 2.3.40 compilation - Sgi 320 smp
Daniele Medri
- Is Linus the primary person rewriting the Yenta driver and 16-bit IRQ code?
Miles Lane
- Gnome deshabilitado
Fernando Barajas
- Corruption w/ 2.3.41-pre2
Jeff Garzik
- structure has no member named si_uid16
Andreas Jaeger
- cual comprar
- [Re: [Re:Gnome]]
Ariel Rios
- [PATCH] fix for cdrom.c implicit decl WARNING
Albert Cranford
- hybrid jvm design (was Re: Paper on "Java, Threads, and Scheduling in Linux")
Dean Gaudet
- [PATCH] for unused variable in fs/partitions/check.c:2.3.40
Albert Cranford
- SYSRQ... (part2)
Mike A. Harris
- Modo Econofast en Serie 600 de Hewlett-Packard
Federico Javier Fernandez
- Xircom PCMCIA
Harald Milz
- [PATCH] large pid and a few other fixes
Andries.Brouwer en
- Fix for NSIGCHLD in <asm-*/siginfo.h>
Andreas Jaeger
- Serial Port voltage drops with Linux
Alistair Riddell
- Towards non-recursive makefiles
Michael Elizabeth Chastain
- swsusp-v7-2.2.14 released
Gabor Kuti
- ISSUE: vfat module unable to handle fat32 partition
Pierre Baillet
- PATCH Replace Via support for ACPI
Jeff Garzik
- 2.2.15pre4 isn't looking stable
Steve VanDevender
- Intel 810 Random Number Generator
- [PATCH] 2.3.41-pre2 - run-time tunable scheduler
James Manning
- "Clock Skew detected error"
Sujit Vaidya
- [PATCH] non-SMP cpu_number_map().
Rusty Russell
- [PATCH] 2.3.41-pre2 - cleanup file_operations structs
James Manning
- 2.3.40 on UltraSparc...
Robert Dinse
- pci=reverse and kernel 2.3.40
David Cougle
- [NFS] New version of Linux NFSv3 client is out...
Todd Chauvin
- announce: updated autofs v4 patches; autofs-4.0.0-pre1
Jeremy Fitzhardinge
- Bug report [linux 2.2.14 and 2.3.3x], /proc/sys/real-root-dev not big-endian compliant.
Patrick Lerda
- India language support for Linux
santhosh.kumar en
- when CONFIG_PCI is not defined
Martin Mares
- announce: PPSkit-0.9.1 (kernel time patch)
Ulrich Windl
- que paso?
Javier Alexandro del Pino Coronel
- Interbase Perl
Luis Gerardo Jaramillo
- Slow Alpha & Oops on 2.3.40
Hannes Reinecke
- desactualizar RH 6.0
Fortino Jimenez
- NFS Question...
Trond Myklebust
- Apache 1.3.11 liberado
Gunnar Wolf
- files > 2GB
- tarjeta de video sis5598
Alex Barrera
- Oops at 0x080xxxxx
Tim Waugh
- Aplicación para crear contenido
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- Non-recursive makefiles for Linux kernel
Martijn van Oosterhout
Ricardo Villavicencio
- UMSDOS hardlink fixes for 2.2.x
Matija Nalis
- Se borro el Lilo!!!!
Ricardo Villavicencio
- Unable to reread SCSI optical disks
Jens Axboe
- another Compaq 8500 question
Derek Glidden
- Oops - 2.2.7ac4 - 2.2.15pre4 ... networking?
Richard A Nelson
- hablando de discos duros
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- Do we have a "gap" in the linux community?
Roberto Diaz
- Ayuda!!!!
Edgar O. Guzman A.
- [patch] 2.3.41pre2: avoid bounce buffers (again!)
Tim Waugh
- Device ARP'ing
Terry Katz
- Display
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- RTL8139 Interrupt line blocked
Jeff Garzik
- linux-kernel-digest V1 #88
Stephen Satchell
- capturing all packets on network from the kernel
Aamir Shaikh
- Consulta
Max Cavalera
- Backout change to isapnp.h in 2.3.40
Thomas Sailer
- [PARPORT] [PATCH] parport/procfs.c
Tim Waugh
- [patch] 2.3.40: improved register_binfmt
Chris Sears
- [patch] smp-2.3.41-A1, (was: Re: BUG? i386 TLB Flushing)
Ingo Molnar
- Dump of Kernel
- SCSI Tape problems with 2.2.14 and on
Phil Blecker
- BUG? i386 TLB Flushing of Global Pages
Stephen C. Tweedie
- Auto-Adaptive scheduler and semaphore patch ( 2.2.14 ) ...
Davide Libenzi
- SMP Theory (was: Re: Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM)
dg50 en
- kernel regression tests ?
Bjorn Wesen
- buggy GFP_KERNEL allocators
Rik van Riel
- kiobuf functions and export problems for modules
David L Pearce
- /proc/bus/pci Question
Steven Ness
- Squid & cache
Agustin R. C.
- 2.2.14 ATAPI CDROM crash on mount
Joachim Weller
- Many-to-Many threads (was Re: Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM)
Dan Creswell
- Impression of 2.2.14 vs. 2.2.15-pre
- request merge changes?
Jens Axboe
- Corruption caused by umount not flushing the buffer cache.
James Bottomley
- DMA to/from user buffers
William Waddington
- can't boot without "root=..." on kernel cmdline
Chuck Lever
- 2.2.1{3,4,5pre*} VM bug found
Rik van Riel
- jokes and freebies
weekly jokes
- 2.3.40 loop-device-behaviour
Ralf Burger
- Senior Unix Kernel Developer Job Opportunity
Jackie K. Gesinger
- 2.3.41-3 no login
Garst R. Reese
- ¡¡ayuda compañeros!!
gerardo bucio
- Test,Sorry
Yu Guanghui
- bug: wrong file times on ncpfs
Oleg Makarenko
- hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Konstandinos A. Saipas
- ? sobre majordomo...
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- VFS: El asunto de que cambio el ide0(3,64)
Linux Rules
- GFP_* meanings
Matthew Dharm
- Programa para chat
Abraham Gutierrez
- Help with AHA1542 SCSI controller with Linux 2.2.14
Robert Lowery
- [PATCH] root-hopping for pre-2.3.41-3
almesber en
- linux-ayuda
- write(2) hangs in 2.2.[13-14]
- Ip Estatica
itzcoalt en
- Does ptrace really need to see ignored signals?
Mike Coleman
- report:vfat filesystem bug ?
- nice little oops
Rick Hohensee
- Editor de Web Pages.
Gregorio Granados
- Compatibilidades
C.P Carlos Andres Juarez villarreal
- Top Ten ways to get your [PATCH] blown off
Chris Sears
- ANNOUNCE: Linux/a386 2.3.40
lars brinkhoff
- Tengo problemas
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- [Patch2.3.40] new configuration scheme for SCSI boot options
Haese Gerald
- Grupo de Usuarios de Linux en el Estado de Veracruz
Miguel Angel López Hernández
- Dos ISP y dos DS0
Ulises Ponce
- ThunderLAN NIC in PCI slot 7 in Proliant 3000 is not recognized in 2.3.x
Torben Mathiasen
- shm bugs revisited
Christoph Rohland
- PCMCIA in recent dev. kernels?
Leeuw van der, Tim
- Virtual Host con sendmail
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- Comando fsplit
Marco Polo Flores López
- [PATCH] kill sys_tz.tz_dsttime
Andries.Brouwer en
- Live and Learn.....My apologies
Jackie K. Gesinger
- Filesystem corruption on 2.3 kernels
Savochkin Andrey Vladimirovich
- 2.3.41-3: strange interaction with e2fsck-1.18
Joerg Stroettchen
- Hangs after "Loading" but before "Uncompressing"
Markley, Todd
- Como creo listas!!!
Usuarios de linux
- petición de informacion
JuanRamón M.E
- Memory/cpu problem with Asus K7M motherboard/Athlon 750
Mark Steele
- UFS format?
Qingyue Shirley Wang
- Linux NFS client problems with AIX Servers
justinf en
- [PATCH] (against 2.3.40) changes defaults for CONFIG_I82365 and CONFIG_TCIC (i386)
Jesper Juhl
- Corruption caused by umount not flushing the buffer cache. [mail.linux-kernel]
Scott Lurndal
Ralf Wierzbicki
- 2.3.40, Cyrix 686MX and kernel panic
Mike Civil
- autofs 4.0.0 (pre1)
Frank van Maarseveen
- Software
Amaurys Paulino M.
- Hosting en la web con dominio propio
Emilio Gutiérrez
- 2.2.15pre4 VM fix
Rik van Riel
Ing. L. Danilo Romero
- status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Evan Langlois
- De nuevo, Gnome
- X (3.3.x), SMP, and 2.3.40 don't play nicely together
Ryan Lackey
- Traffic?
William Scott Lockwood III
- Linux on Sony Vaio C1NX ?
Thomas Waldmann
- Novato... Frustado
Favio García
- copia de Disco Duro
Oscar Cano
- an experiment in pipe bandwidth improvement
Gregory P. Smith
- hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } 2.2.15pre4
Douglas F.Elznic
- "slow" ide interface = faulty sound?
Herbert Ho
- Cont. de Ayuda
Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo
- Fw: Linux SMBfs cache problem
Jesse Kuang
- Pregunta de Motif
Victor Manuel Jaquez Leal
- perl?
David Velásquez
- perl?
maria en
- problem with linux 2.2.15pre4 + Rik's VM fix
Gianluca Anzolin
- RAM Disk??
Andres G. Portillo D.
- Bastille Linux...
Juan Carlos Guel Lopez
- Unable to format a partition after swapoff
Grzegorz Jablonski
- 2.2.14pre5, freepages, and Eepro100
Wayne Pascoe
- 2.2.1[34]: /dev/ttyS1 affects /dev/ttyS0 [update]
Michael Kwasigroch
- [PATCH][RFC] Allow setproctitle to work again
Brian Gerst
- Hola
Dirty Big Bastard Geradeth
- patch: ll_rw_blk fixes
Jens Axboe
- RFC: request merges with active heads
Jens Axboe
- NWFS 2.0.1 Binaries Updated - Level I bug in LRU, Elevator Completed
Jeff V. Merkey
- Documentacion para Servidor de correos
Oscar Cano
- Video4Linux Problems?
danb2 en
- cfs with 2.3.x
Kristoffer Brånemyr
- Oops in 2.2.14 when reading a big file
Marek Michalkiewicz
- [patch] longstanding elevator infinite starvation fix
Andrea Arcangeli
- Big Quotas?
Matt Nelson
- [PATCH] i386 tlb flush optimization
Manfred Spraul
- 2.2.13 APM Resume Oops on Extensa 670CDT
S Bond
- Newbie asking directions...
Patrick Roberts
- Locking and module removal
Frodo Looijaard
- 2.3.41-pre3 and athlon support..
Jarkko Lietolahti
- Auto-Adaptive scheduler - Final chapter ( the numbers ) ...
Davide Libenzi
- i-node corruption -- who to contact?
Fred Christiansen
- anyone remember a script for determining max kstack allocation?
Purtell, Andrew
- 2.3.41-3 mouse lockup with cardbus in kernel
Wakko Warner
- [PATCH] 2.3.40: <linux/linkage.h> doesn't generate correct cache alignments for 486 and above
Chris Sears
- sys_modify_ldt Question
Ganesh Venkitachalam
- SCSI tape problem under 2.2.*
Steven Suson
- [DRIVER UPDATE] aty128fb
Brad Douglas
- Dumping core from multithreaded crashes
Jason Eager
- 2.3.40 (SMP) random lockups
Jarek Luberek
- Full 2.3.40 compile overwhelms xargs, Makefile patch
Keith Owens
- 2GB limit?
Catalin BOIE
- copy_from_user() and block_write question
Stephane Eranian
- Apic errors with SGI Visual Workstation
Daniele Medri
- Strange scheduling behavoir in SMP (kernel 2.2.14)
Antonio Flores Gil
- [PATCH] uts_sem as RW semaphore
Jakub Jelinek
- Kernel panic: B_FREE inserted into queues
Oleg Drokin
- Por favor Ayundenme
Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo
- Bloqueo
Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo
- eepro again but with debug
Andrej Todosic
- [GULEV] Noticias para los linuxeros veracruzanos
Miguel Angel López Hernández
- eepro and 2.3.39and 2.3.40 ( update)
Andrej Todosic
Borislav Deianov
Basilio Briceño
- /proc/stat
Geoff Blosser
- errors on 2.2.12
Dave Airlie
- (OffTopic)Problemas escribiendo un scrip con Cygwin
Andres G. Portillo D.
- Reading UDF CD's
Piotr Wilkin
- CPU Temp?
Robert L. Harris
- SCO-Xenix
Desarrollo compucaja
- 2.3.41-pre3 linux/tcp.h
Piotr Wilkin
- Alpha: tlb flush functions must not schedule()!
Manfred Spraul
- memory lost?
Homme R. Bitter
- Error en db de listas!!!
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- password en lilo
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- fsck fails with 2.3.40
Oliver Neukum
- shm bugs revisited (2)
Ingo Molnar
- OOPS: 2.3.40 PCMCIA WinModem
Dave Airlie
- No queda la lista!!!
Usuarios de linux
- Blocking for too long in SO_LINGER...
Steve Kann
- Linux 2.2.15pre5
Alan Cox
- The problem with the type of st_size in struct stat
H . J . Lu
- A little trouble with scsi, and /proc.
Brent M. Smith
- Pregunta de IRC
Antonio Galicia
- Capturing the raw keyboard presses.
Mike A. Harris
- agp 6326
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- Lock granularity...
Michel W Zappe
- Tracking a process started from a kernel module
breed en
- ¿make en LinuxPPP 6.1?
Raúl González Diego
- [PATCH] 2.3.40: <linux/linkage.h> generates incorrect cache alignments for 486 and above
Chris Sears
- Re:Hola!!! OLVIDE MI PASSWORD; "y a mi que?
Javier Bolaños Molina
- Ayuda sobre protocolo
Luis Felipe Cosmes Ruiz
- Instalacion en un Pentium III
Joel Arriola
- ide. and 2.2.15pre5 are incompatable
Richard A Nelson
- me interesa instalar linux
Javier S.
- mismatching skbuff addresses in 3c59x
Seth Van Oort
Abraham Cid
- Linux: how do I pause
Calvin Shen
- Code optimization <LEA Instruction>
Richard B. Johnson
- locked inodes
Tim Walberg
- PostgreSQL y PGAccess
Federico Javier Fernandez
- linux-kernel-learning (Re: linux-kernel-digest V1 #93)
- Lockup on reboot with Rocky 558EV SBC
James Fidell
- RealTek RTL8139 Fast Ethernet only works as a module?
James Fidell
- [linux-fbdev] Re: [DRIVER UPDATE] aty128fb - PPC
Brad Douglas
- para aquellos que son fanaticos de las bases de datos
- pre2.3.41-4 fails compile (ide.c) i486 w/no pci
Pete Clements
- 2.2.15pre4: Bad TCP performance (SLIP -->
Horst von Brand
- IDE problem with 2.3.39pre2-2.3.41pre3 on Athlon system
Dieter Nützel
- POSIX.1b
- [PATCH] boobytrap for 2.2.15pre5
Rik van Riel
- 2.3.40 module problems
Mike Ricketts
- SMP schedualer patch
Robert Dinse
- printk flushing?
- weird tcp problems with ftp. please help. :/
- ethernet cards
- init_module() knowing probe parameters
David Schleef
- Scheduler problem in 2.2.1[34..]
Andris Pavenis
- Fix for linux/init.h
Pavel Machek
- linux-kernel-digest V1 #112
Brian K. White
- linux-kernel-digest V1 #113
Robert Dinse
- Members Only Access
Shop Manager
- 2.2.13: /proc/pci: unknown IDs
Ulrich Windl
- NFS funnies
Oleg Drokin
- eliminar el papel...
- [PATCH] precise time accounting using TSC for 2.2.14
Jan Astalos
- Discos duros grandes...
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- RFC: $(ARCH) in file
lars brinkhoff
- Strange scheduling behavoir in SMP
pwalt en
David Howells
- 2.3.40 and boot/rootdisk
Ralf Burger
- [patch-2.3.41-pre4] small optimization of access(2)
Tigran Aivazian
- Instalacion de S.O. en otro disco
Pereyra Guillermo
- De donde bajo software para linux
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Linux en Compaq Presario
- ¿Como desinstalo Linux?
Pedro Maidana
- Sistam Operativo Linux
-Leopoldo Luna c.
- Imprimir con HP 5Si
Oscar Cano
- 2.3.39 ISA modem is not recognized
kumon en
- (2.2.38) CDROM eject problems?
buddy en
- Tarjeta de Video para Linux
Luis Manuel Lepe Vizcaíno
- Propiedad de Archivos
Omar Ballesteros Perez <Navigate>
- Backup
Herminio Heredia Santos
- si le pongo root
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- [PATCH] __get_order() cleanup
Jakub Jelinek
- password root?
David Velásquez
- PROBLEM:[2.]
Eugene Bogush
- FileSystem /proc.
José Luís Faria
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- 2.3.39 and framebuffers
buddy en
- [PATCH] boobytrap 2 for 2.2.15pre5
Rik van Riel
- linux sary
Sary Aguilera
- autofs v4, nfs v3, 2.2.15 ?
Richard Ems
- Crashing Linux with mkisofs 1.12b5
Riley Williams
- network driver
Rui Prior
- [RFC] new arch specific hook for "cpu enters lazy tlb mode"
Manfred Spraul
- [PATCH] Wrong errno out of memory in open syscall
John Ripley
- oops during normal swap
Christoph Rohland
- [BUG] write(2) hangs in 2.2.[13-14] (fwd)
- Eliminating bounce buffers
Larry Woodman
- scsi module starts kernel thread - insmod stays running in 'ps'
Matt_Domsch en
- Poner colores en emacs
Mauricio Tellez
- Quemadora HP por puerto paralelo...
Gunnar Wolf
- High End motherboards
Robert Milkowski
- Corel Linux!!!
Francisco Javier Soto Tellez (LCI)
- 2.3.41-4 / hda: lost interrupt
David Dyck
- [Off-Topic] De-compiling a kernel
Mike A. Harris
Esau Cueva
- all zeroes/all ones used in host IP's...
Meelis Roos
- Updated 2.3.x job list (its getting shorter)
Alan Cox
- smbfs bug?
Petr Sebor
- [patch] 2.3.41pre4: lp ioctl for controlling parport timeout
Tim Waugh
- Problems detecting CDROM on a Dell laptop
Kjartan Maraas
- what about it?
linux.kernel en
- Some problems with IO/Mem-mapping
Dag Brattli
- linux-kernel-learning
Rick Hohensee
- power managing maestro.c 0.14 available.
Zach Brown
- Making an HFS+ Filesystem
Brian Kidder
- [PATCH] new tlb flush code
Manfred Spraul
- 2.3.40 compile fails
Taso Hatzi
- SMP kernel build question
Tony E. Bennett
- missing include in drivers/cdrom/cdrom.c (kernel 2.3.40)
Jesper Juhl
- OFF TOPIC: Recomendacion de compañia para Webhosting
Omar Rosas
- HSM support?
Thomas Kotzian
- ncr53c8xx problem
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- Fibre Channel Development Status???
Drew Bertola
- SMP crashes after setserial /dev/ttyS1
Olaf Dietrich
- On optimising the scheduler for large run queues
Jamie Lokier
- interactive performance stinks SMP 2.3.40
David Fries
- General linux programming mailing list
Patrick Roberts
- PPro IDE problems (2.3.39-2.3.41)
Stephen Frost
- Boot Sequences and kprint.
- Obtener informacion de Mandrake
Camilo Vargas
- Keyboard is frozen on boot of 2.3.41
Miles Lane
- [PATCH] Globally changing __SMP__ to CONFIG_SMP in 2.3.41.
Niels Kristian Bech Jensen
- at
Jordi Adame (reype|e)
- at
- at
Allan Baker Ortegon
- [PATCH] 2.3.41 - small fixup
James Manning
- preuba
Manuel Raul Herrera Jimenez
- System Call
Koushik Chakraborty
- IP fragmented
Benedykt Kroplewski
- Filtros con pine
Andrés M. Benavides
- PAE36: pmd_ERROR() during ioremap()
Manfred Spraul
- impresion economode con hp692c
Javier Quintero
- Missing Help?
Anders Larsen
- Starting processes in a "suspended" state
Jim Nance
- [OT] VT420/VT320 & serial connection
Alex Buell
- RFC: capability to limit/allow access to various system info
Marek Habersack
- 2.2.15pre5: gfp called by non-running task..
Philippe Strauss
- 2.3.41 - tcp lo interface very slow
Graham Murray
- PROBLEM: Can't get 2.3.41 to compile
Chris Pinnock
Martin Dalecki
- [PATCH] 2.3.41 scheduler change
Rik van Riel
- 2.3.41 SMP fs corruption problem
Jasper Spaans
- EBUSY: Device or resource busy
- suscribe linux ayuda
Francisco Rodriguez
- 2.3.4[01] Kernel OOps.
Abhay Kanhere
- Tcpdump Not Showing Correct Ethernet Addresses
kuznet en
- /dev/loop
Ricardo Santos Quintero
occxx en
- Chat en Web
Fernando Barajas
- 2.3.41 without PCI does not compile
Jean-Luc Coulon
- [PATCH] 2.3.41 - config options not starting with CONFIG_
James Manning
- [BUG] SMP, IRQ, USB, ksyms wiredness
Philipp Matthias Hahn
- [PATCH] 2.3.41 - cleanup file_operations structs
James Manning
- Conexion remota desde Xwin32
Jorge Cardoso
- El programa TAR 1.13 no reconoce la opcion -X
Jorge Cardoso
- 2.3.41 and TNT2 fbcon
Lawrence Manning
Miguel Santos
- DMA changes in 2.3.41 - how the f* do I get this working on ARM?
Russell King
- 2.3.41 config: suggested [PATCH]
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- IRQ problem w. Cardbus card
Jakob Østergaard
- IRQ problem w. Cardbus card - more info
Jakob Østergaard
- PATHC: SHM mappings beyond the end of a segment.
Eric W. Biederman
- Directories in /proc can be chmodded in 2.2/2.3.
Nicholas Dronen
- Intel i810 chipset and IDE..
Kedar Patankar
- principiante
de la casa
- Please review all modules for unload races
Keith Owens
- Kernel 2.3.41 hd* lost IRQ problems - HPT366 IDE controller?
Steve Tooke
- Looking for the PIII patch
Gianluca Anzolin
- bug in __flush_tlb_global() ?
Mikael Pettersson
- 2.3.41: kmalloc: Size (33554432) too large.
Patrick Mau
- Kernel Bug Report
- PostgreSQL con Perl
Raúl Argáez
- [PATCH] shm fs v2 against 2.3.41
Christoph Rohland
- OOPS with 2.2.14
Alex Buell
- wine
raul sotres
- Failed assertions in 2.3.41
Phil Brutsche
- oops
Bob Johnson
- 2.3.40 - Need new procps?
Oystein Viggen
- OOPS with 2.2.14 (follow-up)
Alex Buell
- TCP SYNs broken in 2.3.41
kuznet en
- fetchmail and failed assertions w/2.3.41
sduchene en
- IDE IRQ Timeout under NWFS while doing direct I/O to 2.0/2.2/2.3
Jeff V. Merkey
- Auxiliooooo
Edwin Huertas
- Asus K7M onboard soundcard?
buddy en
- [2.3.41] Possible memory corruption
Byron Stanoszek
- My bug !
- 2.3.41 kmalloc error
iehrenwald en
- hda: lost interrupt
Ted Knupke
- Reverse engineering Windows drivers.
Patrick Roberts
- Bucaramanga, Colombia
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
- [local] Los Angeles kernel programming SIG?
Daniel R. Kegel
- Consejo: Programacion y Libro de Linux...
Angel Castro
- handle_mm_fault called by non-running (1) task
Christian Laursen
- Ethertap device in 2.3.40+ and 2.2.14
Guus Sliepen
- IDE oddities
Taneli Vähäkangas
- [linux-usb] __initcall diff, version 2
Randy Dunlap
- Ayuda con los filtros de impresion
Javier Quintero
- Kernel BUG at file.c
- Linux World conference - IPSEC BOF
Michael H. Warfield
- Instalacion de Linux
- where did memset go?
Jeroen Massar
- waitpid and strace -f
Alexander V. Lukyanov
- Asus K7M motherboard/Athon problems
James Hawtin
- 2.3.41 reboot on boot process
Frank Davis
- Various X crashes under 2.3.41
Joe Drew
- Random crashes: Followup
Joe Drew
- 2.2.14, pop3, and masquerading
Trever Adams
- [PATCH] to select.c (and an apology)
Patrick Mau
- Unable to Handle Paging request
Micah McCrary
- netfilter/ipchains.o and kernel 2.3.41 error message
Thomas Molina
- 2.3.41 actually working fine!
Parag Warudkar
- Very impressive CPU statistics in 2.3.40
Taso Hatzi
- 2.3.41 one minute delay after login
Albert Cranford
- [patch] 2.3.41: 4 more bytes out of the bootcode :)
Chris Noe
- [patch] 2.3.41: 360/720k bootsect booting support..
Chris Noe
- duda
crispin mendoza perez
- tiny patch for RTC async I/O in 2.3.41
Paul Barton-Davis
- X crash and/or memory corruption
Joe Drew
- Strange keyboard behaviour w/laptop
Derek Glidden
- [PATCH] fix for autofs4 stomping on autofs v3
Jeremy Fitzhardinge
- Fix to ess1788 playing sound slowly
- cardbus problem (with oops)
Mathijs Mohlmann
- framebuffers and multi-head configuration
Pavel.Janik en
- OT:sync,redhat6.0 and hard disk controllers..
arni en
- NTFS driver reports incorrect stats on 2.3.40
Peter 'Luna' Runestig
- II Problema con el envio de correo
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Another oops in 2.2.14
linux-kernel en
- fdisk / e2fsck on MO drives between 2.0.36 and 2.2.12
Edouard Soriano
- [PATCH] 2.3.41 - 1394 fix
James Manning
- inode leak in 2.2.14?
Oleg Drokin
- Compilador de pascal
Andrés M. Benavides
- [PATCH] 2.3.41 - use of ! in's
James Manning
- ~1 minute delay logging in - 2.3.41
Peter K
- What is Lineo doing?
Jeffrey B. Siegal
- POSIX threads library for Linux
David SelvaKumar
- patch: generic_serial
Jes Sorensen
- Problema con el envio de correo
Daniel Manrique
- Proxy
Fabian Valdes
- Proxy
Martin H. Hoz Salvador
- Proxy
Fabian Valdes
- Proxy
Salvador Ortiz Garcia
- Proxy
Martin H. Hoz Salvador
- Proxy
Herminio Heredia Santos
- /proc guidelines and sysctl
Strohm Thomas (FV/SLD) *
- Block device request merging - repeated requests.
David Woodhouse
- Auxilio!!!, mi servidor virtual no funciona!
Jorge Leonel Angel Hurtado
- 2.3.41 is dep_bool officially broken? :)
Tigran Aivazian
- OT: random() en C
Martin H. Hoz Salvador
- Linux en Monterrey
Edgar Hernandez Z.
- Ayuda! Problema de lsitas de correo ...
Manuel Raúl Herrera Jiménez
- Strange mail from linux-kernel
Wayne Pascoe
- Kernel oops with 2.3.[39-40] + 0.91x
Kevin M. Myer
- advice requested re: huge files and/or disk seeking
Paul Barton-Davis
- Memory Technology Device support mtd-20000131 release
David Woodhouse
- Strange IDE going-ons in 2.3.41
Luca Lizzeri
- Actividad de Correos SPAM...
Juan Carlos Guel Lopez
- Como se si es POSIX, mi sistema?
Usuarios de linux
- Ayuda Super Extra Urgente
Carlos Roberto Ordaz Garcia
- Solicito Ayuda Super EXtra Urgente
I.S.C. Carlos Roberto Ordaz Garcia
- nfsd fix patch for 2.3.42-pre1?
Jeff Garzik
- buffer flushing with 2.2.14 and 2.2.14aa2
Lawrence Manning
- Cancel APM events from userspace ?
David Balazic
- Muchas Dudas????
Dennis Omar Goycochea Reynoso
- Version 2.3.41 Ramdisk still broken
Richard B. Johnson
- xcdroast
- md 0.90 on 2.2.14
Enrico Demarin
- 2.3.41: error in mxser.c
Alexandre Hautequest
- [PATCH] Minor 2.3.41 bug (and fix)
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
- ip_masq_ftp OUT: got PASV ERROR
Julian Anastasov
- regla para correo saliente...
Mauricio Tellez
- 2.3.41 Random Craches
Evan Langlois
- [PATCH] cacheflushtime
Rik van Riel
- quota and ways to modify implementation?
Admin Mailing Lists
- 2.3.41 /proc/meminfo
Evan Langlois
- Capabilities bounding set oddities ?
BIONDI Philippe
- linux-2.3.41/drivers/char/mxser.c does not compile
Adam J. Richter
- deadlock avoidance?
Johannes Erdfelt
- Other problem in 2.2.14 (For information)
Fecha del último mensaje:
Lun Ene 31 23:57:28 CST 2000
Archivado en: Jue Jul 6 04:35:47 CDT 2017
Archivo generado por Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).