(fix - thanks to Manfred) Re: 2.3.41: kmalloc: Size (33554432) too large.

Tigran Aivazian tigran en sco.COM
Lun Ene 31 03:33:08 CST 2000


Manfred spotted it - it was nfds = 0 that would cause overflow. Dumb I was
checking the entire range +/-2G and forgetting about the middle :)

Here is the fix (return 0 like other Unices do if nfds = 0).

Tigran A. Aivazian           | http://www.sco.com
Escalations Research Group   | tel: +44-(0)1923-813796
Santa Cruz Operation Ltd     | http://www.ocston.org/~tigran

--- select.c.0	Mon Jan 31 08:48:52 2000
+++ select.c	Mon Jan 31 08:51:06 2000
@@ -391,6 +391,9 @@
 	poll_table *wait_table = NULL, *wait = NULL;
 	int nchunks, nleft;
+	if (nfds == 0)
+		return 0;
 	/* Do a sanity check on nfds ... */
 	if (nfds > current->files->max_fds)
 		return -EINVAL;

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