buffer flushing with 2.2.14 and 2.2.14aa2
Lawrence Manning
lawrence en aslak.demon.co.uk
Lun Ene 31 18:08:48 CST 2000
I've been playing around with Andrea's aa2 patch (the buffer flushing
improvement only) and was wondering if there's any plans to make it
"offical"? Ie. part of 2.4. It works great for me. Is anyone else
bothered by the easy way to DOS linux 2.2 (and also 2.3.41) by making a
large file with dd? Sure there is quotas to fix jerks who do stuff like
that, but still, it looks bad, if nothing else, IMNSHO. I posted a
message to this list about this 6 months and go and got NO feedback, I
wish I knew why... Anyway, Andrea's patch fixes this, as WELL as improving
writes and reads by a measurable amount (my own tests, plus bonnie, i have
figures if you want them). I have been running aa2 for a while now and
haven't noticed any problems. Are other people testing/evaluating this
I would love to see linux fit enough to take any abuse people can give it
(within limits, naturally) and this patch is another step down that way.
So what say the folks of lkml? Can we see am improvement to buffer
flushing (say, aa2 or something even better) in 2.4?
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