Quiescent filesystems marked with EXT2_VALID_FS while still mounted?
Fuzzy Fox
fox en foxtaur.com
Vie Ene 21 06:09:54 CST 2000
David Woodhouse <dwmw2 en infradead.org> wrote:
> I've lost count of the times I've watched my box fsck huge partitions
> that it hadn't even touched before the crash - not even for an atime
> update.
In such a case (filesystems that it would be nice to have available, but
rarely get touched or examined), you may with to consider an autofs
fox en foxtaur.com (Fuzzy Fox) || "Good judgment comes from experience.
sometimes known as David DeSimone || Experience comes from bad judgment."
http://www.dallas.net/~fox/ || -- Life Lessons
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