[linux-fbdev] [ANNOUNCE] vesafb full VBE 2.0 support

Jeff Garzik jgarzik en mandrakesoft.com
Dom Ene 23 15:50:03 CST 2000

Aki M Laukkanen wrote:
> Patch to vesafb adds support for communicating with a user-space
> daemon. This user-space daemon uses the LRMI library by Josh Vanderhoof
> (need his e-mail) to call real-mode VBE 2.0 functions to set the mode,
> pan the display and perform other framebuffer functions. Thanks to
> Alan Cox for the idea and mailing the LRMI library.
> This is a very preliminary version and released because it works for
> me. Your mileage may vary. The communication between kernel/user-space is
> achieved via a special character device file (/dev/vesafb).
> ~$ file /dev/vesafb
> /dev/vesafb: character special (10/180)

Looks cool, but do you need an extra device?

You should add custom ioctls to /dev/fb for this purpose if at all


Jeff Garzik         | Andre the Giant has a posse.
Building 1024       |
MandrakeSoft, Inc.  |

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