Quiescent filesystems marked with EXT2_VALID_FS while still mounted?

Scott Henry scotth en sgi.com
Vie Ene 21 06:17:44 CST 2000

>>>>> "a" == almesber  <almesber en lrc.di.epfl.ch> writes:

a> Rogier Wolff wrote:
>> Yes, yes! It's worth it!

a> I have to admit that I find the idea rather tempting too. On the other
a> hand, is there anything this would do that an automounter wouldn't ?

I find that automounting infrequently referenced filesystems does
help a log with the fsck-after-crash problem.

Another one that I am trying but can't get to work is to have the
filesystem mounted "ro,user" by default, but I can't seem to "-o
remount,rw" (or the other way) as a user. I haven't started to track
it down yet, but is this likely to be a mount issue or a kernel

a> - Werner, trying to be consistent about kernel-bloat :)

 Scott Henry <scotth en sgi.com> /  Help! My disclaimer is missing!
 IRIX MTS,                   /  GIGO *really* means: Garbage in, Gospel Out
 Silicon Graphics, Inc      /  http://reality.sgi.com/scotth/

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