What is Lineo doing?

Jeff V. Merkey jmerkey en timpanogas.com
Lun Ene 31 14:25:01 CST 2000


You may want to respond to this -- some folks obviously have some
misperceptions they feel strong enough about to post on the linux kernel
mailing list.  


Wayne Pascoe wrote:
> Here is a bit off of slashdot. I'm not sure how acurate it is, but it
> seems to claim that the GPL bits are redistributable... So if I'm reading
> this correctly, there isn't a problem... Or is there ?
> ---cut here---
> Sorry for any confusion on this matter. It looks like some people read the
> license, but I will point out a few parts for those who haven't yet: In
> the first paragraph of the license it states:
> "Any product provided along with the Software that is associated
> with a separate end-user license agreement is licensed to you under the
> terms of that license agreement."
>           Also, later in the license it says:
> "GPL Software" is not owned by Lineo and is distributed to you by Lineo
> for your use. GPL Software is distributed under the terms of the GNU
> General Public License, Version 2, June 1991, a copy of which accompanies
> this EULA"
>           and:
> "Lineo will provide source code for any of the components of the Software
> licensed under the GNU General Public License. To obtain such source code,
> send email to embedix-support en lineo.com"
> Unfortunately, the mail account for embedix-support en lineo.com was unmanned
> yesterday and today. However, we are actively working on manning it and
> making the source code available on our FTP site. This will be in the form
> of Source RPM files. I am leaving town tonight, but it should happen in my
> absence, sometime this week.
> ---cut here---
> This looks like it came from someone at lineo...
> --
> /* Wayne Pascoe <wayne en moneyworld.co.uk> - MoneyWorld
> Sometimes you do it for the money... Sometimes you
> do it for the show - Terry Pratchett (Soul Music)            */
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Manfred Spraul wrote:
> > From: "Jeffrey B. Siegal" <jbs en quiotix.com>
> > >     Embedix Linux is available immediately as a free, not-for-resale
> > >     download from www.lineo.com. Embedix Linux 1.0 is also available
> > >     in CD-ROM form for $29.99 from Lineo's Web store. Contact Lineo's
> > >     embedded OEM sales team for royalty-based pricing for implementing
> > >     Embedix Linux on embedded devices.
> > >
> > > Huh?
> >
> > Where's the problem?
> > * the Linux _kernel_ is placed under the GPL.
> > * many Linux user space applications are placed under the GPL.
> > * user space programs that run under Linux have no licence restriction at
> > all. (read the beginning of the COPYING document that's part of the Linux
> > source code)
> > * I just checked the lineo pages, and it seems that they wrote their own
> > installer, and that they wrote a special, tiny web server [or client?].
> >
> > Now they can license the _complete_ package under any license they want,
> > because it contains proprietary parts.
> >
> > But it's possible that their distribution also contains patches to GPL'ed
> > programs. As far as I understand the GPL, you could download the lineo
> > distribution, and check their SRPMS. _If_ a SRPM contains a patch to a
> > GPL'ed program, then _that_ patch is automagically placed under the GPL.
> > (and _only_ that patch, not the entire CD) [but i'm no laywer, so beware]
> >
> > --
> >     Manfred
> >
> >
> >
> > -
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