Auto-Adaptive scheduler - Final chapter ( the numbers ) ...

Larry McVoy lm en
Jue Ene 27 14:43:25 CST 2000

: >     . the real measure of any change is whether or not it increases or
: >       decreases the amount of code in the icache, the number of
: mispredicted
: >       branches in the icache, the amount of data in the dcache, and
: finally,
: >       any changes in the number of cache misses.
: This is the code [etc]

And that code doesn't answer any of the questions posed above.  Not one.

: Or better if You've not time to do it, point me where I can find a test
: suite that
: can prove what are You saying. I'll do it for You ( but I don't have an SMP
: machine :( ).

for size in 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 
do	lat_ctx -s $size 2 2 2 2 2 2

plot the results.  If your L1 cache is bigger than 32K, keep going.

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