[patch] smp-2.3.40-F4, x86 SMP improvements

Matthew Harrell mharrell en bittwiddlers.com
Dom Ene 23 09:18:24 CST 2000

: I believe the kernel is entirely single-threaded at that point.
: on my machines, what comes next is to enumerate ide disks,
: detect floppies, then nics.  if you don't have any ide's, why
: not just leave the driver out?  anything odd about your floppies,
: if any, and if not, nics?

I can leave it out and I'll try it later tonight when I get a chance to compile.
Generally speaking the reason I don't leave it out is that I try to build a
kernel that has all the required bootup drivers for all my machines (2940, IDE,
Smart2) and everything else is a module.  

It usually pauses at that point when I'm booting 2.2.14 but it works continues
in a moment.

There aren't any unusual drivers in there - a normal 1.44 floppy and 2940U2W
compiled in and eepro100 and 3c59x as modules.  Under 2.2.14 the next thing is
the floppy drive and then the 2940 detection.

The system gets past this point with the noapic flag but then crashes with 
numerous APIC errors.  Ingo suggested changing LOGICAL_DELIVERY to 0 in smp.c
in the past but this never proved stable.  Sometimes it worked for a short 
while and sometimes I got tons of APIC errors.

  Matthew Harrell                          The Earth is like a tiny grain of
  Bit Twiddlers, Inc.                       sand, only much, much heavier.
  mharrell en bittwiddlers.com

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