RFC: $(ARCH) in file

Khimenko Victor khim en sch57.msk.ru
Vie Ene 28 14:44:13 CST 2000

In <85g0vii63p.fsf en junk.nocrew.org> lars brinkhoff (lars en nocrew.org) wrote:
> Jeff Garzik <jgarzik en mandrakesoft.mandrakesoft.com> writes:
>> On 28 Jan 2000, lars brinkhoff wrote:
>> > Why do I want this?  Because I often build for an architecture which is
>> > not the native one.  Saving the architecture in .arch is more convenient
>> > then typing "make ARCH=foo".
>> How tough is it to edit the makefile? :)

> Not tough, but I think it's easier for people to type
>         echo FOO >.arch
> than to mess with the Makefile.

It's usually MUCH better to mess with the Makefile then to add kludges in
mainstream kernel. I think probability of acception is zero.

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