[Off-Topic] De-compiling a kernel

Mike A. Harris mharris en meteng.on.ca
Vie Ene 28 16:49:27 CST 2000

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, David Odin (aka DindinX) wrote:

>  I'm trying to decompile a kernel. I know that seems very odd but I want to
>be able to change the frame buffer boot logo *without* having to recompile
>the kernel. I guess I could directly patch the wmlinux file, by getting the
>right offsets with 'nm'.
>  My problem is: how to obtain vmlinux from a bzImage (and maybe the System.map
>                 if it helps)?
>  Any idea?

Yep.  Recompile a bzImage, take the files vmlinux and whatever
else is needed to convert it to bzImage, and extract the portions
of the Makefile that produces the final image.  It would likely
be in arch/i386/boot or something like that.

Just a thought...

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
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Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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