[ANNOUNCE] vesafb full VBE 2.0 support

Kendall Bennett KendallB en scitechsoft.com
Dom Ene 23 06:49:37 CST 2000

Aki M Laukkanen <amlaukka en cc.helsinki.fi> wrote:

> Patch to vesafb adds support for communicating with a user-space
> daemon. This user-space daemon uses the LRMI library by Josh
> Vanderhoof (need his e-mail) to call real-mode VBE 2.0 functions to
> set the mode, pan the display and perform other framebuffer
> functions. Thanks to Alan Cox for the idea and mailing the LRMI
> library. 

I thought there was another guy who developed a kenel module that 
uses the vm86 stuff internally in the kernel to communiate with the 
VBE 2.0/3.0 BIOS without needing a user space daemon? Is there some 
limitation on using the vm86 services in the kernel from another part 
of the kernel directly (as opposed to from a user space app)? 


|   SciTech Software - Building Truly Plug'n'Play Software!     |
| Kendall Bennett          | Email: KendallB en scitechsoft.com    |
| Director of Engineering  | Phone: (530) 894 8400              |
| SciTech Software, Inc.   | Fax  : (530) 894 9069              |
| 505 Wall Street          | ftp  : ftp.scitechsoft.com         |
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