Page Colouring (WAS Re: Auto-Adaptive scheduler - Final chapter ( the numbers ) ...)

Richard Gooch rgooch en
Vie Ene 28 09:23:05 CST 2000

Sean Hunter writes:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2000 at 10:21:21PM +1100, Richard Gooch wrote:
> > Tell me about it. Having page colouring would be very nice. However,
> > it would slow down memory allocation.
> > Larry: what's your position on whether Linux should have a coloured
> > page allocator?
> Would it be useful to have page colouring available during the debug
> cycle so that deterministic behaviour was possible for perf tuning and
> debugging, and the switch to a non-coloured allocator for normal use?
> Or is that just adding too much complication for no real gain?

You also want the coloured allocator for application pages. Otherwise
an application that does the right thing can get the worst result.
So you want it on all the time.


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