[RFC] change in /proc/devices
Guest section DW
dwguest en win.tue.nl
Jue Ene 27 07:17:04 CST 2000
> > > I'd prefer a postfix notation that separates out major and minor
> > > numbers, like so:
> > >
> > > hda 03 00-39
> > > hdb 03 40-79
> > > hde 21 00-39
> > > hdf 21 00-40
> > > sda 08 00-09
> >
> > Erm... It was in hex ;-)
Introducing new interfaces in hex is a mistake. All hex stuff has to go eventually.
I don't know how many times I have had to explain that 08:12 is not /dev/sda12
but /dev/sdb2. Having names use decimal and numbers use hex is just confusing.
> > > Because that would explicitly show the major and minors, instead
> > > of having to rely on hidden magic to partition the majorspace.
> >
> > Argh... I'ld _really_ like to get rid of major/minor stuff wherever
> > possible.
Yes. A device number is an opaque number that identifies a device.
Userspace should not attempt to see structure there.
[It is too bad we have ls and mknod.]
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