Auto-Adaptive scheduler - Final chapter ( the numbers ) ...

watermodem watermodem en
Sab Ene 29 18:22:35 CST 2000

   As a brain teaser next time you place a call with a
cell phone consider the foot print of your simple action.
Also, when you see these numbers consider the optimization
required to achieve acceptable service.  IN ADDITION consider
that most of the times mentioned here are actually spent waiting
on a VLR or HLR associated with a swich to look up the id for
that cellphone and setup the billing record.  (Accross the board
looking at all switch providers 600 to 800 ms seems typical for
this simple act.)

In terms of hardware touched WORST CASE:  (average is 10 or 20 cpus)

PDC (japan tdma):  you could touch upto 2450 processors
   just to setup your call.  This includes dsps, land line,
   etc...   And it takes under a second.

CDMA (depends on company and quality of service)
    This one is a wild estimate as one can handover while
     setting up and be in N-Way where N is  determined
     by your ablity to pay...  but worst case about 5000 processors
     is a good estimate.   If the provider has single rate
    vocoders 1.2  to 1.8  seconds is a usual call setup time.
    If the provider is mixed mode (ie mixes say lucent and
     motorola and samsung equipment and has various vocoding
     rates) 1.6 to 2.5 is a usual call setup time.

GSM  (simple form without data)   Worst case about 500
    processors.  .6 to 1.2 seconds

This ignores the O&M aspect that can and does bring many
 more processors to bear.   O&M tends to be customer specific
 with many prefering to roll their own so estimates here are iffy.

Data protocols such as IP only add to the complexity.
Of course if IP wasn't billed it would be the simpler one.

I am making no point here just providing some food for thought.

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