RV: una-al-dia (22/12/1999) Ataque DoS a los kernel Linux 2.0.x (fwd)
Sandino Araico Sánchez
sandino en styx.net
Mar Ene 4 00:04:33 CST 2000
Aquí les anexo el inicio del thread (porque completo está muy manchado)
para los usuarios de 2.0 que les interese.
Si va a haber 2.0.39 no lo se, todavía no lo acabo de leer pero el
thread se extinguió el 17 de Diciembre.
Sandino Araico Sánchez
We're here, you're free, get used to it!
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Subject: [security] Big problem on 2.0.x? (fwd)
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Seen on Bugtraq. Works on 2.0.38 + Solar secure Linux patch.
Instant crash and burn.
Best Regards
Daniel Ryde, System Administrator
Tripnet AB Visit Address: Telephone: +46 31 7252500
Box 5071 Avagen 42 Facsimile: +46 31 7252501
S-402 22 GOTEBORG GOTEBORG Email: ryde en tripnet.se
Sweden Sweden
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Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 10:51:45 -0600
From: Eduardo Cruz <eduardo.cruz en TS-G.COM>
Subject: Big problem on 2.0.x?
Hello ppl.
Last week i was playing with my old linux 2.0.36 i486 box, while i was playing with the command ping and trying combinations of commands
i found that when u do a ping -s 65468 -R ANYIPADDRESS ( -R record route) the system starts to print on the screen kernel dumps
, freezes complitely and after few secconds the system reboots.
The major problem with this (if this is a bug, because i dont have time to install differents kernels and test it better) is that command can be run by everyone
because you dont need root permissions to make a -R.
I tested this on a 2.0.35 and .36 (both slackware), when u try to do this on a 2.2.x the system prints out "message too long".
I think the problem is that there is a size-check missed when u reach the maximun packet size and u put the route information, but anyway
i am not a guru on kernels.
So, now is time for the kernel experts :)
Eduardo Cruz - eduardo.cruz. en ts-g.com
Network Administrator
Telecomm Solutions Group
Tel: +350 74146 Fax: +350 41781
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From: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <pelinescu-onciul en fokus.gmd.de>
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Subject: Re: [security] Big problem on 2.0.x? (fwd)
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Daniel Ryde wrote:
> Hello ppl.
> Last week i was playing with my old linux 2.0.36 i486 box, while i was playing with the command ping and trying combinations of commands
> i found that when u do a ping -s 65468 -R ANYIPADDRESS ( -R record route) the system starts to print on the screen kernel dumps
> , freezes complitely and after few secconds the system reboots.
I didn't look in 2.0.38 yet but in 2.0.36 the problem is in net/ipv4/ip_output.c in ip_build_xmit.
Here a short int (length) is used to compute the length of the ip packet. At first length contains the length of the packet without the header, then the ip header
length is added:
if (!sk->ip_hdrincl) {
length += sizeof(struct iphdr);
if(opt) length += opt->optlen;
ping -s 65468 -R generates a packet that looks like:
ip header: 20 bytes
ip options: 40 bytes
icmp header: 8 bytes
icmp data: 65468 bytes
If you add all this up you obtain 65536, but length is a short int so length will be 0!
A quick way to fix this bug is to add the following if, after the one above:
if (length < 20){
printk("<1> ip_build_xmit: ERROR: packet too big! "
return -EPERM;
However if the length of the packet "overflows" 65535 by more than 20 bytes you could have trouble. I do not now well enough the Linux networking code (yet :)) so
maybe one of you can write a better solution. Also I should not probably return EPERM and use printk("<1>")...
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From: Andrea Arcangeli <andrea en suse.de>
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Subject: Re: [security] Big problem on 2.0.x? (fwd)
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On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul wrote:
>I didn't look in 2.0.38 yet but in 2.0.36 the problem is in net/ipv4/ip_output.c in ip_build_xmit.
>Here a short int (length) is used to compute the length of the ip packet. At first length contains the length of the packet without the header, then the ip header
>length is added:
>if (!sk->ip_hdrincl) {
> length += sizeof(struct iphdr);
> if(opt) length += opt->optlen;
> }
>ping -s 65468 -R generates a packet that looks like:
>ip header: 20 bytes
>ip options: 40 bytes
>icmp header: 8 bytes
>icmp data: 65468 bytes
>If you add all this up you obtain 65536, but length is a short int so length will be 0!
Agreed. Your detection of the problem is correct IMHO.
>A quick way to fix this bug is to add the following if, after the one above:
> if (length < 20){
> printk("<1> ip_build_xmit: ERROR: packet too big! "
> "dropping...\n");
> return -EPERM;
> }
I looked at this too and I think your fix is very near to be the right
one. The basics of your changes are right IMO.
I fixed this by checking that the payload is not too big in the case we
have to include in the packet also some ip option. If it's too big
I tell to userspace it's too big. This is my version:
diff -urN 2.0.38/net/ipv4/ip_output.c 2.0.38-ping-R/net/ipv4/ip_output.c
--- 2.0.38/net/ipv4/ip_output.c Thu Jun 18 23:48:22 1998
+++ 2.0.38-ping-R/net/ipv4/ip_output.c Tue Dec 14 23:02:43 1999
@@ -703,7 +703,13 @@
if (!sk->ip_hdrincl) {
length += sizeof(struct iphdr);
- if(opt) length += opt->optlen;
+ if(opt)
+ {
+ /* make sure to not exceed the max packet size */
+ if (0xffff-length < opt->optlen)
+ return -EMSGSIZE;
+ length += opt->optlen;
+ }
if(length <= dev->mtu && !MULTICAST(daddr) && daddr!=0xFFFFFFFF && daddr!=dev->pa_brdaddr)
Worked fine here so far.
PS. The same bug could be exploited also using udp as normal user. So
beware in doing a `chmod u-s /bin/ping`: it's not enough to fix the
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From: David Weinehall <tao en acc.umu.se>
To: Multiple recipients of list LINUX-KERNEL <linux-kernel en samba.anu.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [security] Big problem on 2.0.x? (fwd)
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Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 16:46:39 +1100
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On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> diff -urN 2.0.38/net/ipv4/ip_output.c 2.0.38-ping-R/net/ipv4/ip_output.c
> --- 2.0.38/net/ipv4/ip_output.c Thu Jun 18 23:48:22 1998
> +++ 2.0.38-ping-R/net/ipv4/ip_output.c Tue Dec 14 23:02:43 1999
> @@ -703,7 +703,13 @@
> if (!sk->ip_hdrincl) {
> length += sizeof(struct iphdr);
> - if(opt) length += opt->optlen;
> + if(opt)
> + {
> + /* make sure to not exceed the max packet size */
> + if (0xffff-length < opt->optlen)
> + return -EMSGSIZE;
> + length += opt->optlen;
> + }
> }
> if(length <= dev->mtu && !MULTICAST(daddr) && daddr!=0xFFFFFFFF && daddr!=dev->pa_brdaddr)
> Worked fine here so far.
> Andrea
> PS. The same bug could be exploited also using udp as normal user. So
> beware in doing a `chmod u-s /bin/ping`: it's not enough to fix the
> problem.
Alan, would you consider a v2.0.39 with just this fix (possibly something
else if something else has come up)?!
There are a LOT of people still using v2.0.xx systems, and releasing a fix
would show them that we really care.
_ _
// David Weinehall <tao en acc.umu.se> /> Northern lights wander \\
// Project MCA Linux hacker // Dance across the winter sky //
\> http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/ </ Full colour fire </
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