bug: wrong file times on ncpfs

Oleg Makarenko omakarenko en cyberplat.ru
Mar Ene 25 09:48:54 CST 2000

The problem: All file times on Novell server are one hour older then
they really are. (RH6.x,no matter what 2.2 kernel. The timezone settings
do really matter and the time is wrong for any timezone that has DST but
DST is NOT active)

At first glance the problem is in hwclock that sets sys_yz incorrectly
(clock maintainer has a patch) but while trying to fix hwclock myself I
have encountered the following problem and need your help.

ncpfs code receives file time in UTC and tries to convert it to local
time using sys_tz.tz_menutestowest*60 shift. Even if I have some daemon
(my first idea was hwclock -u --hctosys in cron) that reinitializes
sys_tz to correct values after DST changes so that ncpfs code can use
correct shift value in its local2utc()/utc2local() functions I still
have some anomalies: on DST the time of previously created files will be
suddenly changed by one hour! That seems wrong to me. If I don't change
sys_tz to reflect current DST then the ctime of newly created files will
be wrong.  In any case my mirroring software (that strongly depends on
correct file times) fails.

I don't see how can I change ncpfs either :( cause to make it calculate
local times correctly I need the values of dststart and dstend for local
timezone and can't find the needed structure in the kernel and the way
to initialize it.

While it is possible to add needed structure and new syscall somebody on
the list should know the better solution.


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