Reverse engineering Windows drivers.

Patrick Roberts artix en
Dom Ene 30 15:27:22 CST 2000

I'm trying to find some correct settings for my video card that I'm writing a
utility for.  Can anyone recommend some freeware that:

1) Disassembles windows programs/drivers/dlls under linux (or do I HAVE to buy
and install Windows...God forbid!)

2) Under Windows, can access the PCI regs and can dump the contents of hardware
mapped memory to a file.

  My thinking is that if I know the regs, a Windows user could set up the card
with the mode I'm trying to get, then could dump his reg contents to a file and
I could use this file to see what I'm setting wrong.  Or does it not work like

Thanks for any help :)


BTW- Thanks to all who pointed me to the /dev/mem mmap() hardware access

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