Auto-Adaptive scheduler - Final chapter ( the numbers ) ...

water modem watermodem en
Vie Ene 28 22:29:59 CST 2000

In the telcom world we try to drive our processors at 
about 75%.  Cache hits are real important here.
In our Tandem based Call Processing machines 
we typically run with 10 to 14 MB L2 cache and even
after tuning  near everything still get much better
improvements just keeping something in cache compared
to major rewrites on a functional basis.  
It is kind of interesting that we see the following repeated
on various platforms (includeing embedded) under various workloads.
   1/3 resources (time&space) for OS
   1/3 resources (applications written by us)
   1/3 resources for 1 or 2 purchased drivers or applications
   {^^^always the best but most complictated target for improvement}

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