Scheduler & semaphore patch for 2.2.14 ...

Pavel Machek pavel en
Lun Ene 24 10:35:14 CST 2000


> > there's no chance for this to go into 2.2.X (not a bugfix). 2.3.X is
> > better target.
> There is another issues coz the patch has a bug that came out in SMP.
> Line 924 in sched.c must be changed from :
> if ((c <= 0) && (nr_running > 0))
> to :
> #ifdef __SMP__
>  if ((c <= 0) && (nr_running >= smp_num_cpus)) /* To fix better */
> #else
>  if ((c <= 0) && (nr_running > 0))
> #endif /* __SMP__ */

Why not 

if ((c <= 0) && (nr_running >= smp_num_cpus)) /* To fix better */

and define smp_num_cpus to 1 if case of UP system? [I think it already
_is_ defnied like this...]
The best software in life is free (not shareware)!		Pavel
GCM d? s-: !g p?:+ au- a--@ w+ v- C++@ UL+++ L++ N++ E++ W--- M- Y- R+

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