2.3.41-pre3 linux/tcp.h

Piotr Wilkin pwilkin en astercity.net
Jue Ene 27 12:27:03 CST 2000

Netfilter 0.1.13 doesn't seem to compile with 2.3.41-pre3, this dirty hack
seems to fix that:

--- linux/include/linux/tcp.h	Thu Jan 27 16:08:13 2000
+++ linux-new/include/linux/tcp.h	Thu Jan 27 13:36:09 2000
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #error	"Adjust your <asm/byteorder.h> defines"
+#define res2 cwr
 	__u16	window;
 	__u16	check;
 	__u16	urg_ptr;

Btw, please excuse my last message from coming from address
"root en astercity.net" - I'm behind a masquerade and I have mistakenly sent
that message from my local root account.

Piotr Wilkin
pwilkin en astercity.net

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