Intel 810 Random Number Generator
Pavel Machek
pavel en
Mie Ene 26 02:17:23 CST 2000
> >> Either you trust RNG or you don't. There is no middle ground.
> >
> >I just trust hardware RNG to be more random then keypresses. Yes there
> >is middle ground.
> Taking the least significant bits of a fast timer between keypresses is a
> very good way of generating entropy. I'd trust it more than some unknown
> hardware generator. The same is true of network packets.
> The key is to have a timer that is much faster than the network or
> keyboard interfaces. There must also be a _minimal_ amount of
> "jitter" to
You mean -- like time in jiffies? That is 10msec resolution, do you
I think that even bad hw RNG is going to be better than that.
I'm pavel en "In my country we have almost anarchy and I don't care."
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