Omar Ballesteros Perez <Navigate> oballe en
Vie Ene 21 11:16:48 CST 2000

 Hola a todos, estoy tratando de implementar un bbs en un linux. (bbbs de

	Ahora, el problema que tengo es que cuando cargo el demonio bbbsd
me dice que no puede cargar el bind () socket ?

	Ahora, mi pregunta es .... Tengo que declararlo en alguna parte
del inetd.conf.? Lo tengo que declarar en /etc/services  ?

	Como segun yo levanto el demonio es con 

	bbbsd 3 4 telnetd:111 

	Que segun esto me levantaria el servicio de telnet para el bbbs en
el puerto 111 con 3 de min y max 4.

	Alguien tiene alguna idea, cualquier idea es bien recibida.


Anexo informacion del bbbs 

bbbsd [min] [max] [mode:port{":binkp"}] [mode...] {priority} {"quiet"}
      {"fork"} {"uid:loginname"}

min      is the first node to use for the connection. In a typical
         situation where there are 2 dialin and 5 telnet nodes, you would
         select the number 3 here for telnet/ftp/raw services so as not to
         interfere with your first two dialin nodes. For the other
         like pop/smtp/finger/ident, you could specify the number 1 here
         provide a greater opportunity for incoming connections. Since
         services have no long-term impact and are generally very quick
         connections, it makes sense to allow the extra two nodes to be
         (This usually requires that you run bbbsd twice; once for the
         interactive services and once for the non-interactive services).

max      is the last node to use for the connecion. If you only have a
         7 node license, you would place the number 7 here.
port     the incoming port the service will monitor for a connection. The
         standard ports for the services are:

            service       standard port
            ============  =============
            ftpd          21
            telnetd       23
            smtpd         25
            tpd           37
            fingerd       79
            httpd         80
            popd          110
            identd        113
            mrtgd         16425
            rawd          24554

          The port to use MUST be defined on the commandline (ie. to start
          ftp service you would use ftpd:21, etc.).

"binkp"  this forces binkp mode for telnet and rawd services. This will
         tell BBBS to allow ONLY binkp connections, not regular telnet.

priority defines the OS priority the daemon should run in.

"quiet"  tells the daemon not to print any output (to be quiet).

"fork"   tells the daemon to fork the service to the background. This is
         available in the UNIX versions.

"uid"    sets the client's uid and gid for the incoming service. This is
         available in the UNIX versions.

					  Omar Ballesteros Perez
			         Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla

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