Strange scheduling behavoir in SMP (kernel 2.2.14)

Andrea Arcangeli andrea en
Jue Ene 27 05:42:12 CST 2000

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Antonio Flores Gil wrote:

>Using kernel 2.2.12 with SMP support this simple program take more time in my machine than in a uniprocessor with K6-2 (the same problem appear in the last stable kernel 2.2.14) Using xosview
>application I discovered where the problem was. Instead of staying all the time in the same cpu, the process go from one cpu to other with a big performance lost.
>Am I right?. Has been this problem solved in 2.3.x series?

Very right. I fixed this quite some time ago. Run 2.2.14aa*latest or apply
this my patch on the top of 2.2.14 (or 2.2.12):

I fixed this into the mid 2.3.x series (try out something like 2.3.17) but
FYI now the latest 2.3.4? are returned to not work correctly.


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