problem with linux 2.2.15pre4 + Rik's VM fix

Keith Owens kaos en
Jue Ene 27 01:49:42 CST 2000

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Gianluca Anzolin wrote:
> dracula kernel: gfp called by non-running (1) task from c011b9e6!
> dracula kernel: gfp called by non-running (1) task from c011b602!
> dracula last message repeated 6 times
> dracula kernel: gfp called by non-running (1) task from c011b9e6!
> c011b57c T clear_page_tables
> c011b618 T free_page_tables
> c011b650 T new_page_tables
> c011b6f0 T copy_page_range
> c011b8d4 T zap_page_range
> c011ba98 T zeromap_page_range

There is a better way to report these gfp debugging messages, instead
of grubbing through System/.map by hand.

  sed -ne '/gfp called/{ s/.* /EIP: [</; s/!/>]/p; }' < log | ksymoops

Turns a gfp debugging message into an EIP line which ksymoops will
recognise and automatically decode.

It would be nice if anybody adding these sort of debugging lines also
included a sed script to convert their adhoc debug line into something
that can be automatically decoded.

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