Sockets stuck in FIN_WAIT1 (2.2.14)

Mike A. Harris mharris en
Vie Ene 21 22:01:59 CST 2000

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Alan Cox wrote:

>>, all HANG in FIN_WAIT1 after attempting to
>> download a file.
>> I've tried other ftp clients such as ncftp, ftp, and get the same
>> results often.
>Are you running through masquerading

No.  My machine has IPmasq compiled in, and active.  I have 2
other machines on my LAN that masquerade through my machine,
however I'm doing all the ftp from this machine which has the
modem in it.

>> Is anyone else having trouble like this?  If I go to a redhat
>> mirror site the problem goes away.  Come back to and
>> it is back.  My guess is that something in the configuration of
>>, and metalab, and possibly other sites is screwed up.
>They are the sites running wu.ftpd 2.6.0 I believe.


>> Is it possible the 2.2.x kernel still contains some TCP/IP
>> glitches that could be causing this?  What about the remote
>2.2.15-pre2 has
>o	Network fix kit					(Dave Miller and co)
>	| Nagle improvements, TCP_CORK/FIN fix
>	| /proc/net/tcp reports type 4 for timer
>	| Fix TIME_WAIT logic
>	| Clean up timer performance
>	| Handle shutdown() in CLOSE_WAIT right
>	| Report state change on tcp_fin after setting
>	|	new state
>	| Shutdown on close in write_err case 		(Paul Russell)
>So yes there are some. If 2.2.15pre2 fixes your case do let me know

Ok...  I'll try the 2.2.15pre2 fixes first for this problem with
ftp hanging, and then try the 2.2.14aa1 patch later for the
slowdown problem...

Thanks Alan.

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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