Newbie question on iso9660: files partially AWOL ?

Jonathan Disher jdisher en
Dom Ene 23 21:11:12 CST 2000

>An example is:
>/cds/0/win32/sysman/qtour/f> ls -l con1t04.htm
>-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     system        572 Jun  5  1998 con1t04.htm
>/cds/0/win32/sysman/qtour/f> echo con1t04.h*

echo != ls -l.  If you typed `echo hello.c*` it would print out `hello.c*`.

>But exactly the same thing done later gave:
>/cds/0/win32/sysman/qtour/f> ls -l con1t04.htm
>-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     system        572 Jun  5  1998 con1t04.htm
>/cds/0/win32/sysman/qtour/f> ls -l con1t04.*  
>-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     system        572 Jun  5  1998 con1t04.htm

The ls -l commands produce the same output.

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