IRQ clash problems with 2.2.14 and 2.3.33?

David Woodhouse dwmw2 en
Mar Ene 25 14:23:29 CST 2000

rhw en MemAlpha.CX said:
>  > Beware of making PCI IRQs share too much, though - I've found
>  > that if it tries to make a PCI device share IRQs with the
>  > on-board USB, then that PCI device can't actually generate any
>  > interrupts.
> Is this last comment specific to the Abit BP6 or the 3c509, or is it a
> general warning relating to any PCI hardware? 

It was meant to be specific to the BP6. Most boards at least manage to get 
devices to share IRQs nicely if they assign them like that.

A BIOS sticking three PCI cards on the same IRQ, leaving two IRQs free, is 
suboptimal, but normally fairly harmless. I wouldn't worry.


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