IRQ clash problems with 2.2.14 and 2.3.33?

Riley Williams rhw en MemAlpha.CX
Mar Ene 25 13:27:46 CST 2000

Hi David.

 > Unless, of course, the motherboard in question is an Abit BP6.
 > In which case, complain to Abit, because even when you tell its
 > BIOS that IRQ9 is reserved for Legacy ISA, it puts ACPI there.

 > Shift your 3c509 onto another IRQ and wait for a fixed BIOS.

 > Beware of making PCI IRQs share too much, though - I've found
 > that if it tries to make a PCI device share IRQs with the
 > on-board USB, then that PCI device can't actually generate any
 > interrupts.

Is this last comment specific to the Abit BP6 or the 3c509, or is it a
general warning relating to any PCI hardware?

The reason I ask is that I have a system with three PCI Ethernet
cards, all RealTek 8259's using the ne2k-pci driver, and the BIOS for
some reason has put all three on IRQ 9, leaving IRQ's 10 and 11 unused
as far as I can tell.

Also, is this behaviour to be expected?

Best wishes from Riley.

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