Capturing the raw keyboard presses.

Mike A. Harris mharris en
Jue Ene 27 16:50:06 CST 2000

I'm doing something that requires that I capture ALL raw keyboard
presses.  I need to make sure that ALL keys are captured, and
that means both at the console, and in X, or any other app that
may or may not take over the keyboard (RAW mode).

I assume that this is possible, and fairly easy.  I want to log
these keystrokes for debugging, etc purposes at the RAW level.  I
think I've found where I should do it (pc_keyb.c), but I wanted
to know what someone would suggest for this.

My plan is to have keystrokes logged via syslog for now...  I
don't care if it is a crummy hack as long as it works, and
captures all keys well.  Doing so either in pc_keyb.c or
keyboard.c (in drivers/char) would be fine.  


Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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