vger sending to USWEST people

Mike A. Harris mharris en
Dom Ene 23 13:02:28 CST 2000

I have received a number of extremely rude messages from people
with USWEST email addresses.  I am keeping their email addresses
private for now, however will provide them to matti or davem if

I posted a reply to Alan Cox on l-k and to alan directly, as well
as various other postings on l-k.  Many people from uswest seem
to be getting these postings who don't appear to know they are on
the mailing list, or even what Linux is for that matter.

The way I see it, someone out there is subscribing people without
their knowledge somehow.  I don't know how that can be prevented,
but please someone look into it ASAP.

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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