Scheduler patch recoding ...

Davide Libenzi davidel en
Jue Ene 20 22:09:58 CST 2000

Hi guys,

having a lot of requests about my scheduler patch which I've coded until
2.2.13 and 2.3.34,
I've planned to recode it for 2.2.14 and 2.3.39 this weekend.
I'll post it say on later sunday or monday morning ( Europe time ).
After this step I need help from all of You that have a good testing console
for a high switching rate
environment ( IBM Volano, and I hope, many others ).
I've not spent enough time to develop my testing suite ( to say the truth
it's very simple ), so I need
one that can better simulate a __real__ high workload environments.
My hope is that with this patch we can hiss pro M$ benchmarks dispatchers.


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