Scheduler-thoughts for v2.5.x

David Weinehall tao en
Sab Ene 22 22:26:23 CST 2000

Would it be viable to introduce several different schedulers to chose from
in the v2.5 development-tree, as a compile-time option. This way we would
solve most of the considerations of workstation vs webserver vs
database-server vs ftpserver etc.

I haven't got a clue if this is technically possible (well, it IS
possible, but the question is whether it's reasonable, or if it would
involve rewriting half the kernel to introduce such a change...), and if
it is anything that would be interesting.

Maybe this could help the people who need real-time systems too, by
allowing them to compile the kernel with a real-time scheduler.

Of course, a modular, hot-swappable scheduler would be best, but I figure
that'd be pretty awkward to program. Or?

/David Weinehall
  _                                                                 _ 
 // David Weinehall <tao en> /> Northern lights wander      \\
//  Project MCA Linux hacker        //  Dance across the winter sky // 
\>    </   Full colour fire           </ 

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