SMP Theory (was: Re: Interesting analysis of linux kernel threading by IBM)

almesber en almesber en
Mar Ene 25 04:15:29 CST 2000

dg50 en wrote:
> I've been reading the SMP thread and this is a truly educational and
> fascinating discussion. How SMP works, and how much of a benefit it
> provides has always been a bit of a mystery to me - and I think the light
> is slowly coming on.

BTW, a good introduction to SMP, related concepts (e.g. caches), and
alternatives (NUMA, clusters, etc.) is "In Search of Clusters" by
Gregory F. Pfister. It's also fun to read.

For a detailed analysis of the kind of SMP Linux currently assumes,
you may want to try "UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures" by Curt

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, ICA, EPFL, CH       werner.almesberger en /

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