Corruption caused by umount not flushing the buffer cache.
Henning P. Schmiedehausen
hps en
Mar Ene 25 21:10:01 CST 2000
alan en (Alan Cox) writes:
>> I know I can get around this by forcing a BLKFLSBUF ioctl to the device after
>> the unmount but this strikes me as a bug in the linux umount semantics which
>> will bite more people than just me as linux enters the SAN arena.
>Solve policy problems in user space. If you want a umount to do that put
>it in the _application_. I don't want my caches flushing all the time just
>because I remount stuff
Ugh. Let's hope that those SCA disk adapters generate "drive changed"
messages when I unmount and hotswap a disk drive. I don't want parts
of my old file system flushed on the just inserted new disk.
Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen -- hps en
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