2.2.10-14 i686 SMP: IDE RAID-5 array hangs on mount

Steven Roberts strobert en truelink.com
Mie Ene 26 05:09:44 CST 2000

Alan Cox wrote:
> > > 1. If you are lucky and have working RAID based on stock 2.2.x (for example
> > > RAID 0 :-) you should be able to upgrade to 2.2.14 without big hassle.
> > > So upgrade to RAID 0.90 in mainstream kernel posponed to 2.4 ...
> >
> > Thanks, I will do that as soon as possible.
> >
> > > 2. RAID 0.90 need some changes in some important kernel structures and such
> > > changes will affect even users without RAID.
> > >
> > > RedHat 6.1 includes RAID patches anyway so I'm not sure if 2. still can be
> > > considered seriously.
> >
> > Cool, then maybe they'll be in 2.2.15?
> Too many people whined. If you use raid use the 0.90 patches. Unfortunately
> a pile of people don't want raid 0.90 in the standard kernel, which is silly.

last I had heard the on disk structure that 0.90 requires isn't
compatible with the disk structure used in the 2.2.x kernels (which IIRC
the 2.2 structure is the same as the 2.0 structure).

If this isn't the case, someone please say so, but the change IIRC was
an extra block at the front of the disk that gave information about the
raid partition (to allow the kernel driver to automount stuff).

Which as a datapoint, I've been happily using raid-0 arrays under 2.0
and 2.2.  These have been on scsi disks, but the raid side has been
good.  (better than the hardware AMI raid controller we have that locks
the machine during heavy I/O).


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