[PATCH] 2.3.41 - cleanup file_operations structs

Pauline Middelink middelink en polyware.nl
Lun Ene 31 02:12:49 CST 2000

On Mon, 31 Jan 31 2000 around 08:11:11 +0100, almesber en lrc.di.epfl.ch wrote:
> James Manning wrote:
> > As it stands, gcc is still our baseline compiler so I'd rather
> > keep things compatible with that my design, not by #ifdef.
> $ cat z.c
> #include <stdio.h>
> struct foo {
>   int a,b;
> } bar = {
>   .a = 5,
>   .b = 7,
> };

This doesn't say much. A better test would be to init the members
in the reverse order. It could be the compiler simple skipped the
labels :) And the extra , after the b member seems suspicious...

(Not that egcs-1.1.2 complains at all..)

    Met vriendelijke groet,
        Pauline Middelink
PGP Key fingerprint = DE 6B D0 D9 19 AD A7 A0  58 A3 06 9D B6 34 39 E2
For more details look at my website http://www.polyware.nl/~middelink

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