Linux scheduler, overscheduling performance, threads

Pavel Machek pavel en
Dom Ene 23 22:27:27 CST 2000


> Linux doesnt run on any 128 CPU machines, so it would be bad to tune for  it.
> You want 256 threads on a 128 cpu box, ok no argument

Ok, 4 cpu machines are "not unreasonable", so optimizing for 8 threads
is okay, is it?

And IIRC, at the begining of discussion there was patch which made
things few percent slower for case of two runable processes, but
started to be faster at 3, and was much faster for more.
I'm pavel en "In my country we have almost anarchy and I don't care."
Panos Katsaloulis describing me w.r.t. patents me at discuss en

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