eepro100 with 2.2.14, and 2.3.39 slot problem ! ( BUG?)

Leos Bitto leos en
Vie Ene 21 07:43:11 CST 2000

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Andrej Todosic wrote:

> hello everyone , 
> i just reread the whole thread and saw someone say he moved the card from a
> shared isa/pci 
> slot to another and it fixed the problem 
> Just worked for me . 
> this means there is a specific situation localised to A machine which is
> reproduced 
> only when a card is in a shared slot . 

This is not my case. I have a PCI slot which doesn't share IRQ with
anything - and I do have problems with 2.2.15pre. And let me repeat
it: 2.2.14 and older work fine.

Leos Bitto

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