kernel_version needed, but can't be found

Du Jinsong jinsong en
Jue Ene 20 12:18:33 CST 2000

Hi, I've compiled an module for kernel 2.2.
but when I try to load it:

#insmod -p module
which means it passes the probe.
#insmod module
kerner_version needed, but can't be found
#insmod -f module
__this_module undefined
kernel_version needed, but can't be found

I've included <linux/version.h> in my code, and I tried the kernel
with/without the option "set version information on all symbols for
modules" selected. The results are the same as shown above. So, could
anyone help me to find where might be wrong?

Thanks a lot! (Please CC to me in your reply)

// jinsong

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