2.3.40 loop-device-behaviour

Pete Zaitcev zaitcev en metabyte.com
Mie Ene 26 20:15:03 CST 2000

> csb:/usr/src/linux # dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/fsfile bs=1k count=4000 
> 4000+0 records in 
> 4000+0 records out 
> csb:/usr/src/linux # mkfs.minix /tmp/fsfile 4000 
> 1344 inodes 
> 4000 blocks 
> Firstdatazone=46 (46) 
> Zonesize=1024 
> Maxsize=268966912 
> csb:/usr/src/linux # mount -t minix -o loop /tmp/fsfile /mnt/fd2
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
>        or too many mounted file systems

I do not know if your problem is the same, but I experience
difficulties with stale data staying in memory.

Consider the following script:

genromfs -a 512 -f flash.root.image -d proto
mount -t romfs -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 flash.root.image /mnt
silo -C /mnt/etc/silo.conf -J flash.total -i /mnt/boot/ieee32 \
 -b /mnt/boot/second.b
umount /mnt

It works only once. On the second time silo gets stale data.
My workaround is to add "cat /wad/mp3/*.mp3 > /dev/null"
right before the mount.

I talked to Alan and he says that somebody needs to do
ioctl(fd, BLKFLSBUF), presumably losetup. I have not tested
his suggestion yet.


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