SMP kernel build question

Tony E. Bennett tbennett en
Vie Ene 28 23:50:30 CST 2000

Whenever I build a kernel (2.2.12) with SMP and MODVERSIONS, the built
kernel has versioned symbols, but they don't include 'smp'.  So booting
it fails horribly since all the /lib/modules are looking for 'smp'

This seems to be because linux/module.h includes modversion.h instead of

Is something in the build process supposed to link linux/include/modversions.h
to the smp version?

My only solution is to patch module.h to say

    # ifdef __SMP__
    #   include <linux/modversions-smp.h>
    # else
    #   include <linux/modversions.h>
    # endif


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