kernel panics at google

yoann en yoann en
Mie Ene 26 07:21:08 CST 2000

David desJardins <desj en> writes:

> yoann en writes:
> > Maybe giving a trace of the kind of packet received before the crash
> > could help understanding / tracing the problem...
> > 
> > tcpdump -s2000 -vvv -w outfile
> > ( make sure no private data are passing on the network ).
> I'm afraid this really isn't practical.  Each webserver handles well
> over 100 requests/second at peak times, and goes days between crashes.
> It also communicates with hundreds of different servers.  We can't
> possibly tcpdump every single packet, even in the most skeletal form,
> and even if the webservers didn't have other work to do.
I know that, 
but it is probably the most easy way to find the problem :-(

> > Also, you should modify tcpdump call fflush() after each
> > line it append to the file.
> And flushing after every line would be even more expensive.

		-- Yoann
 It is well known that M$ product don't make a free() after a malloc(),
the unix community wish them good luck for their future developement.

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