PPro IDE problems (2.3.39-2.3.41)

Matthew Harrell mharrell en bittwiddlers.com
Sab Ene 29 16:31:55 CST 2000

: 	I've been having some rather aggrevating problems w/ IDE on my
: dual PPro system under 2.3.41 (also had trouble w/ 2.3.39 and 2.3.40,
: though have yet to try anything prior).  The problem is somewhat simple,
: the machine boots, and then stops after detecting the IDE controllers,
: but before actually finding the disks.  The kernel appears to just stop.
: 	Under the exact same setup I've had no problems w/ 2.2.12-2.2.14.
: 	Any initial thoughts?  I'm more than happy to provide whatever
: information is neccessary, perhaps individually to someone instead of
: spamming the list, unless people feel it would be more useful to spam
: the list...
: 	Any feedback would be appriciated. :)

Intel PR440FX motherboard?  Try specifying "nmi_watchdog=0" in the boot options
through either lilo or whatever you use.  I have the same problem on my system.

  Matthew Harrell                          I used to have a handle on life,
  Bit Twiddlers, Inc.                       then it broke.
  mharrell en bittwiddlers.com

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