[Ayuda] sendmail por favor

Victor Martinez vicm3 en linux.ajusco.upn.mx
Mie Abr 5 19:24:15 CDT 2006

At 03:21 p.m. 05/04/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Hola a todos:
>Tengo un servidor de correo con sendmail y servidores virtuales y
>requiero con el mismo nombre de usuario le lleguen correos a los dos
>diferentes servidores, a ver si me explico:
>servidor1 usuariojuanpenas
>servidor2 usuariojuanpenas
Virtualusertable es lo que yo alguna vez use

virtusertable A domain-specific form of aliasing, allowing multiple 
virtual domains to be hosted on one machine. For example, if the 
virtuser table contained:
info en foo.com    foo-info
info en bar.com    bar-info
joe en bar.com     error:nouser 550 No such user here
jax en bar.com     error:5.7.0:550 Address invalid
@baz.org        jane en example.net

then mail addressed to info en foo.com will be sent to the address 
foo-info, mail addressed to info en bar.com will be delivered to 
bar-info, and mail addressed to anyone at baz.org will be sent to 
jane en example.net, mail to joe en bar.com will be rejected with the 
specified error message, and mail to jax en bar.com will also have a 
<ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1893.txt>RFC 1893 compliant error code 5.7.0.

The username from the original address is passed as %1 allowing:

@foo.org        %1 en example.com

meaning someone en foo.org will be sent to someone en example.com. 
Additionally, if the local part consists of "user+detail" then 
"detail" is passed as %2 and "+detail" is passed as %3 when a match 
against user+* is attempted, so entries like

old+*@foo.org   new+%2 en example.com
gen+*@foo.org   %2 en example.com
+*@foo.org      %1%3 en example.com
X++ en foo.org     Z%3 en example.com
@bar.org        %1%3

and other forms are possible.
Note: to preserve "+detail" for a default case (@domain) %1%3 must be 
used as RHS. There are two wildcards after "+": "+" matches only a 
non-empty detail, "*" matches also empty details, e.g., user+ en foo.org 
matches +*@foo.org but not ++ en foo.org. This can be used to ensure 
that the parameters %2 and %3 are not empty.

All the host names on the left hand side (foo.com, bar.com, and 
baz.org) must be in class {w} or class {VirtHost}. The latter can be 
(analogously to 
If VIRTUSER_DOMAIN or VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE is used, then the entries 
of class {VirtHost} are added to class {R}, i.e., relaying is allowed 
to (and from) those domains. The default map definition is:
hash /etc/mail/virtusertable

A new definition can be specified as the second argument of the 
<http://www.sendmail.org/m4/features.html>FEATURE macro, such as

O usar mailertable

Using Mailertables

To use 
you will have to create an external database containing the routing 
information for various domains. For example, a 
file in text format might be:

.my.domain              xnet:%1.my.domain
uuhost1.my.domain       uucp-new:uuhost1
.bitnet                 smtp:relay.bit.net

Victor Manuel Martinez Mtz.
What I Do
I build paradigms...
I work on complex ideas and make up words for them.
It is the only way.
                                         Ted Nelson.

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