[Ayuda] Sobre Tarj. Red integrada Intel (RESUELTA)

Fabian Vera vte86017 en maiz.cucba.udg.mx
Mar Sep 6 15:22:02 CDT 2005

Hola comunidad, pos ya se resolvio, en vez del controlador de intel mejor me
puse a buscar el fabricante de la tarjeta por un thread de la lista de fedora:

El error que habia cometido es que habia hecho un liga diferente a esta:

ln -s /lib/modules/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp/build /usr/src/linux (liga correcta)

Yo la habia puesto para que apuntara a ln -s /usr/src/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp

Bueno, el instalador de syskonnect, es más sencillo y rápido...

Página del Fabricante: www.marvell.com
Drivers: install-8_24.tar.bz2
Nota del Fabricante:

Yukon GigE Linux Driver
File Name: install-8_24.tar.bz2
Date: September 28, 2004
Size: 330 kilobytes

Estimated	00:00:06 on Dial-up (53.3 kbps)
Download	00:00:00 on DSL/Cable (768 kbps)
Time:		00:00:00 on T1 (1.5 mbps)

Description: Yukon GigE Linux Driver.
Please download the separate Linux readme
file also for instructions on using this
install package.

Resolción del Problema: Desempaquete el archivo bz2, y dentro del directorio se
ven esto:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  75417 ago  9 08:17 install.sh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  15270 ago  9 08:17 readme
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  16928 ago  9 08:17 sk98lin.4
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 297430 ago  9 08:17 sk98lin.tar.bz2

[root en matraca DriverInstall]# sh install.sh

Installation script for sk98lin driver.
Version (beta) (Aug-09-2005)
(C)Copyright 2003-2005 Marvell(R).
Add to your trouble-report the logfile install.log
which is located in the  DriverInstall directory.

1) installation
2) generate patch
3) exit
Choose your favorite installation method: 1

Please read this carfully!

This script will automatically compile and load the sk98lin
driver on your host system. Before performing both compilation
and loading, it is necessary to shutdown any device using the
sk98lin kernel module and to unload the old sk98lin kernel
module. This script will do this automatically per default.

Please plug a card into your machine. Without a card we aren't
able to check the full driver functionality.

Do you want proceed? (y/N) y

Create tmp dir (/tmp/Sk98IpBqjUjoLAPHIHQDFDdGD)                 [   OK   ]
Check user id (0)                                               [   OK   ]
Check kernel version (2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp)                     [   OK   ]
Check kernel symbol file (/proc/kallsyms)                       [   OK   ]
Check kernel type (SMP)                                         [   OK   ]
Check number of CPUs (2)                                        [   OK   ]
Check architecture (found)                                      [   OK   ]
Set architecture (i386)                                         [   OK   ]
Check compiler (/usr/bin/gcc)                                   [   OK   ]
Check mcmodel flags (none)                                      [   OK   ]
Check module support (/sbin/insmod)                             [   OK   ]
Check make (/usr/bin/make)                                      [   OK   ]
Check archive file (sk98lin)                                    [   OK   ]
Check kernel gcc version (4.0.0) (Kernel:4.0.0 == gcc:4.0.0)    [   OK   ]
Check sk98lin driver availability (not loaded)                  [   OK   ]
Check kernel header files (/usr/src/linux)                      [   OK   ]
Unpack the sources (done)                                       [   OK   ]
Check sources for .config file (/usr/src/linux/.config)         [   OK   ]
Copy and check .config file (done)                              [   OK   ]
Check the mem address space (highmem64)                         [   OK   ]
Change IOMMU (disabled)                                         [   OK   ]
Create new .config file (done)                                  [   OK   ]
Execute: make oldconfig (done)                                  [   OK   ]
Check kernel header version
(Kernel:2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp == Header:2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp)    [   OK   ]
Check kernel functions (Changed: nothing)                       [   OK   ]
Compile the kernel (done)                                       [   OK   ]
Copy driver man page into /usr/share/man/man4/ (done)           [   OK   ]
Check the driver (done)                                         [   OK   ]
Delete old driver (done)                                        [   OK   ]
Copying driver (done)                                           [   OK   ]
Make dependency (done)                                          [   OK   ]
Delete temp directories (done)                                  [   OK   ]
All done. Driver installed and loaded.
To load the module manually, proceed as follows:
      Enter "modprobe sk98lin"

                                             Have fun...

La MATRACA funciona!!! Este es el primer correo que envio desde la compu con su
tarjeta jalando :)   nos vemos!

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