[Ayuda] Sobre Tarj. Red integrada Intel

Fabian Vera vte86017 en maiz.cucba.udg.mx
Mar Sep 6 08:20:20 CDT 2005

Hola comunidad, ya se instalo el fedora (tenian razón quién me dijo que el
arrancador tenia un bug), el sonido fue identificado sin problemas, el video
baje de ATI los driver para linux... todo bien hasta aqui... sólo que el
problemas es que no reconoce la tarjeta de red,  y pues en la página de intel
para la MD D925XECV2, esta el driver (LAN_Marvell_Linux_7.14.2.3_BETA.tar.bz2)
para la tarjeta de red, para RedHat Enterprise 3, red flag, y suse... baje el
controlador para redhat, error, me pedía un header-devel del kernel... lo
baje, lo instale pero ahora me manda este error... ahí les va todo el rollo...

[root en matraca DriverInstall]# sh install.sh

Installation script for sk98lin driver.
Version 2.02 (20040608)
(C)Copyright 2003-2004 Marvell(R).
Add to your trouble-report the logfile install.log
which is located in the  DriverInstall directory.

1) user installation    3) generate patch
2) expert installation  4) exit
Choose your favorite installation method: 1

Please read this carfully!

This script will automatically compile and load the sk98lin
driver on your host system. Before performing both compilation
and loading, it is necessary to shutdown any device using the
sk98lin kernel module and to unload the old sk98lin kernel
module. This script will do this automatically per default.
If you want to shutdown and unload the old sk98lin kernel module
manually, run the script in the EXPERT mode.

Please plug a card into your machine. Without a card we aren't
able to check the full driver functionality.

Do you want proceed? (y/N) y

Create tmp dir (/tmp/Sk98IBCkgfcTaLhirdcageiTm)                [   OK   ]
Check user id (0)                                              [   OK   ]
Check kernel version(2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp)                     [   OK   ]
Check kernel symbol file (/proc/kallsyms)                      [   OK   ]
Check kernel type (SMP)                                        [   OK   ]
Check number of CPUs (2)                                       [   OK   ]
Check architecture (found)                                     [   OK   ]
Set architecture (i386)                                        [   OK   ]
Check compiler (/usr/bin/gcc)                                  [   OK   ]
Check mcmodel flags (32bit)                                    [   OK   ]
Check module support (/sbin/insmod)                            [   OK   ]
Check make (/usr/bin/make)                                     [   OK   ]
Check archive file (sk98lin)                                   [   OK   ]
Check kernel gcc version (4.0.0) (Kernel:4.0.0 == gcc:4.0.0)   [   OK   ]
Check sk98lin driver availability (not loaded)                 [   OK   ]
Check kernel header files (/usr/src/linux)                     [   OK   ]
Check the mem address space (highmem)                          [   OK   ]
Unpack the sources (done)                                      [   OK   ]
Check sources for .config file (/usr/src/linux/.config)        [   OK   ]
Copy and check .config file (done)                             [   OK   ]
Execute: make oldconfig (done)                                 [   OK   ]
Check kernel header version
(Kernel:2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp == Header:2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp)   [   OK   ]
Check kernel functions (Changed: nothing)                      [   OK   ]
Compile the kernel (error)                                     [ failed ]

An error has occurred during the compile proces which prevented
the installation from completing.
Take a look at the log file install.log for more informations.
Installation of sk98lin driver module failed.

Ahora que hago? no entiendo el error... iluminenme por fas... esta la info de la
tarjeta de red en intel: LAN Support Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/sec) LAN
subsystem using the Marvell* Yukon* 88E8050 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet

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