[Ayuda] Por favor compartir opiniones sobre esto que encontre en Internet.
Ivàn Caballero Cano
ivanc en grupocti.com.mx
Jue Mayo 19 12:36:22 CDT 2005
NO friegues, a mi no me interesa eso, yo simplemente coloque aqui algo
que YO NO ESCRIBI, ademas no se si viste que ya estoy comenzando a
colaborar para el mundo de Linux, todavia no tengo la prueba pero ya la
estoy traduciendo y preparando.. eso no vale nada para ti hasta no verlo?
Ni estoy frustado. Estas en un error fundamentado en que no me conoces.
Jorge De Gante Tellez wrote:
> Hace tiempo que tengo bloqueados los mensajes de Iván, por que no vale
> la pena prestarle atención a este tipo, pero de vez en vez (como en
> esta ocasión) me doy cuenta de que este cuate no ceja en su empeño por
> tratar (inutilmente) de desprestigiar o denigrar un sistema (Linux) o
> movimiento (Open Source) que a todas luces es exitoso y que ha
> producido una revolución wn TI a nivel mundial.
> No es que sea intolerante, pero la neta creo que deberían vetar a este
> cuate en la lista, creo que nosotros somos los menos culpales de su
> frustración, masoquismo, ignorancia y fanatismo.
> Me parace que este monito es la prueba viviente de:
> Why Microsfot is 4 Loosers
> En fin, me parece que podría haber dedicado estos 5 minutos a algo mas
> productivo.
> Eugenio Perea wrote:
>>Ivàn Caballero Cano wrote:
>>>*_10 Top Reasons Why Linux Is 4 Losers_*
>>> * *1. It Never Ever Works Straight Out The Box. *
>>> * *2. It's Been Specifically Devised To Be The Most User Unfriendly
>>> OS Around. *
>>> * *3. It's Like Some Relic From The Stone Age, I Thought We Had Gone
>>> Back In Time When Some Lino-Head Said He Was 'Re-compiling The
>>> System Code', What Next? Soldering Transistors?*
>>> * *4. It Has Many, Many Security Floors That Take Decades To Fix
>>> Manually.*
>>> * *5. Linux Admins - Like madmen, they will defend it with excuses
>>> like oh! it ONLY lost our entire database and every customer
>>> account because of a bug in the kernel! They will say this in a
>>> furious voice and if you consider disagreeing, they will probably
>>> threaten to physically attack you! *
>>> * *6. It Isn't Free! - Check Out The Price Of Some Linux Versions
>>> And Their Software. Mr.Bank Manager Will Not Be A Happy Fellow, I
>>> Can Tell You, without Even Mentioning Support Staff!** *
>>> * *7. It Does Nothing Unless You Spend Years Configuring It - Some
>>> Linux Lusers Like To Put It On An Old 486 And Boast About Having
>>> 'Linux' Even Though It Literally Does Nothing All Day But Eat Power. *
>>> * *8. The Installation Program Is A Nightmare That Resembles An
>>> Unstable Install Of DOS From The Early 80's.*
>>> * *9. You Can Forget About Trying To Make Use Of Any Relatively New
>>> Hardware (as in 2 years old or younger) - After The Laborious and
>>> Random Installation Method Your Whole Machine Is Likely To Die Or
>>> Some Vital Part Like Networking Will Cease To Work.*
>>> * *10. Supporting Linux IS Supporting Communism - Lino-heads say
>>> things like "support Linux to save the world" or "it's a truly
>>> free OS" much like those back in the 30's who said 'support
>>> communism to save the world' and 'communist nations are truly
>>> free'. We all know how wrong they were! Don't make the same
>>> mistake with Linux!!*
>>¿Por qué insistes en contaminar la lista con este tipo de cosas? Digo,
>>¿tienes un objetivo o sólo estás microsoftrolleando?
>>Pregunto por que, por más que intento, no veo cómo tus aportaciones
>>pueden clasificarse como Ayuda en Linux.
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