[Ayuda] RE: [Ayuda] Solicitud de Ayuda de traducción para contestar el Señor Ben Ezzel

Miguel Guirao miguel.guirao en mail.telcel.com
Lun Jun 13 10:11:51 CDT 2005

Va traducción al Ingles!!

******************** INICIO DE TRADUCCIÓN ***************************
Good morning Mr. Ben Ezzel:

Before anything I want to thank you for the time you spent to answer my last
e-mail, I'm very exited knowing that there is a chance to have your
authorization to create a document based in one of your books
"Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo Pascal 5.5".

In your last response you said that you need to see a draft of the document
I want to create and in that way to be sure about  give your authorization
to publish this document to the free software hispanic community, so, I
agree with your statement and clearly understand your point of view about
that it is not simple to grant permissions that involve copyright without
knowing what kind of document I want to do.

I think it is convenient to send you the draft until it is finished, why?

Because in this way you will not have any doubt about the existence of
fragments on my work that could be identical to any in your work which I
understand is agains the law and an a infrigement to your copyrights. In
this way you will have the ful document in your hands and you will have an
overall idea about what I have in mind.

I agree to clearly stated that my work is based in your book and to mention
your name in the correct way!!

Unfortunately, it is complicated for me to translate the document into
English so it can be easy for you to read it. My English is very poor and
bad, which complicated the translation work (This e-mail have been
translated by another person). The document will be written in Spanish, and
I can wait until you get a general picture of the document.

Without any more details at the moment, I can only ask you to wait for the
document, as soon as I finish it I will sent it to you, this will take me
some weeks to complete.

Thank you very much, greetings from Guadalajara Mexico.

*************** FINAL DE TRADUCCIÓN ************************

Buenos Días Sr. Ben Ezzel:

    Primero quiero agradecer el tiempo que se tomó para contestar a mi
correo, me siento más entusiasmado de saber que tal vez existe una
de contar con su autorización para crear el documento que esta basado en
su libro ""Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo Pascal 5.5"".
    En su corrreo anterior usted me comenta que necesita ver dicho
documento para conocerlo y asi estar seguro sobre el asunto de darme
autorización para publicarlo ante la comunidad de habla hispana de
software libre, pues bien, estoy de acuerdo con eso y entiendo su forma
de pensar en cuanto a que no es sencillo
otorgar permisos que involucren derechos de autor y menos sin saber que
tipo de documento pretendo hacer.
    Considero conveniente enviarle el documento pero hasta que lo tenga
completo, por que?
    Por que de esa manera usted no tendra duda alguna sobre si existe
alguna parte del mismo que si contenga información copiada identica a su
libro lo cual entiendo que es un delito y una violación a sus derechos
de autor.  De esa manera usted tendra en sus manos el documento completo
y tendra una idea total y general sobre el asunto.
    Estoy de acuerdo en mencionar su nombre y darle credito a usted de
manera apropiada en el documento.

   Desgraciadamente me es muy complicado traducir el mismo a lenguaje
Ingles para que le sea a usted mas sencillo leerlo, mi Ingles es malo y
escaso, lo cual me complica la tarea de traducirlo. El documento estaria
escrito en Español, yo puedo esperarme el tiempo que sea necesario para
que usted pueda analizarlo y ver que información escribo en el.

   Sin mas detalles por el momento, solo me queda pedirle que espere mi
documento, en cuanto lo termine lo enviaré. Esto ultimo me va a tomar
algunas semanas más.

Muchas Gracias, Saludos desde México, Guadalajara.

Y eso es todo lo que quiero traducir. Perdon por los horrores de
ortografía o redacción.

Ben Ezzell wrote:

> At 07:31 AM 6/9/2005, you wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I already sent you an email regarding this same request, but I think
>> I didn't explained myself quite well, so here goes a (hopefully)
>> better redacted email:
> I'm sorry that I'm slow responding but I've been rather busy recently
> on some important projects and, as well, I've feel a need to consider
> this question carefully.  On the one hand, I am honored (and
> flattered) by your request.  On the other, there is a certain
> reluctance to offer a too-blanket permission, thus relinquishing
> control and authorship.
> I can't remember if this title has previously been translated to
> Spanish (many of my titles have) but, if so, I'm sure that it's out of
> print in any language at present.  In any case, being out of print,
> the copyrights have reverted entirely to me.
> I have no strong objections to adaptations but I would be interested
> to see an example of what you propose.  Unfortunately, my Spanish is
> poor and long disused (/hablo un poco pero no muy bien y no muy
> dispacio)./  Of course, if you were writing in Thai, I might muddle
> through a bit better.  As for the German, Japanese, Chinese and
> Russian translations ... I can't read more than a few words of the German.
> In any case, I guess I'll say go ahead but I'll expect credit as
> appropriate and just consider it a matter of /karma/.  After all, my
> intention in writing the books (money aside) was to teach because to
> impart wisdom and learning is always to earn ... I'm trying to think
> of the right word in English -- in Thai, I would say "/tahm boon/",
> meaning "to create (earn) merit" but I can't think of an exact
> equivalent in English or Spanish.
> /Se la vie!
> /In any case, I would like to see what you come up with.
> Ben
>> My name is Ivan Caballero Cano, I live en Guadalajara city in Mexico.
>> I am a Computer Science Engineer.
>> I have read the book "Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo Pascal 5.5"
>> (Addison-Wesley
>> Publishing Company) and so I have found an oustanding way of
>> explaining the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming in
>> Pascal. This book is (needless to say) a very important thing to me
>> and one of my most precious resources.
>> I have used the concepts contained in this book to teach some classes
>> about programming in Delphi. The concepts explained in the book are so
>> good that I feel the need to translate it to some Spanish documents
>> that can help me teaching classes or just so people can get them as a
>> kind of support in OOP.
>> But before doing that, I am asking your permission Mr Ezzel so I can
>> use your book as the basis of these documents and give them to the
>> spanish-speaking programming community of free software.
>> I'm not planning in doing an exact copy of your book (though in
>> spanish) as I understand this is a crime. However I would make a set
>> of documents that can synthetize the most important concepts contained
>> in the book, but also adding some of my own ideas and examples I have
>> used so the spanish readers can understand them easier.
>> The documents are not completed yet, as I wanted to express my idea
>> before publishing those documents. These will be published in the free
>> software community.
>> I hope you did understand this mail better and I'm looking forward to
>> your reply. Once again I'm thankful that you created such an
>> extraordinaire book as this one.
>> Kind Regards

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