[Ayuda] Se resetea el uptime!

Victor Martinez vicm3 en linux.ajusco.upn.mx
Jue Mar 25 01:16:04 CST 2004

At 11:34 p.m. 24/03/2004, you wrote:
>Hola a todos:
>Hoy me sucedio una cosa trivial pero desconcertante. Tengo una computadora 
>hoy cumplio 497 dias de uptime, pero esta madrugada el uptime se reinicio a
>00:00 y hasta ahora cuenta que ha estado apenas unas horas encendida. Sin
>embargo, el equipo nunca fue reseteado, ni hay mensajes en bitacora que den
>una pista de que sucedio.
>Este equipo tiene Red Hat 7.2 con kernel 2.4.9. No es nada de importancia
>excepto la curiosidad de saber si alguien le ha sucedido lo mismo, y si esto
>se puede corregir.

Ya tiene tiempo en el kernel...   no tenia idea de que seguia ahi... pero 
bueno aqui un articulo
"Linux's uptime is not as good as I expected"
May 25, 2001, 22 :30 UTC 
Talkback[s]) (14205 reads)
(Other stories by 
<http://linuxtoday.com/search.php3?author=Fred:Mobach>Fred Mobach)


The Linux's uptime is not as good as I expected. My expectations were high 
because of all the claims that can be read on the net. But my experience is 
that within 498 days the uptime showed returns to zero. Let's have a look 
at what I noticed in the daily reports I receive from some systems. One day 
I read in such a report :

Fri May 18 18:34:14 CEST 2001
   6:34pm  up 496 days, 20:45,  0 users,  load average: 0.29, 0.06, 0.02

The next day I saw :
Sat May 19 18:34:20 CEST 2001
   6:34pm  up 18:17,  0 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.06, 0.02

I looked at the log files but could not find recent boot messages. My fear 
was a hacked box, another kernel for loadable modules installed and an 
edited logfile. No reason for this fear as there were not any indications 
that the box was hacked but one never knows. Now I did some computations 
and found that after about 42.949.680 seconds the uptime returned to zero. 
To be sure I checked in /var/log and found :
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         2545 Jan  7  2000 boot.msg

Reasonable date compared to my computation. Another idea was to look at :
/include/linux/kernel.h:       long uptime;     /* Seconds since boot */

And that proves that my fear was wrong, this counter is incremented every 
0.01 second. The maximum value is 4,294,967,296 which translates to 
42,949,673 seconds. To which my original calculated value compares well.

My conclusion : the uptime returns to zero after 497 days, 2 hours, 27 
minutes and 53 seconds. And Free Software really helps to find out why 
somethings happens. Just as I have explained this week in my lecture at the 
Linux 2001 congress.

Disclaimer : this is related to the Linux 2.2.x kernel. However, in the 
Linux 2.4.x kernel the uptime field is also a long integer so I don't 
expect other effects.

Have fun,

Fred Mobach - fred en mobach.nl - postmaster en mobach.nl
Systemhouse Mobach bv - The Netherlands - since 1976

The Free Transaction Processing Monitor project : http://www.ftpm.org/


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Victor Manuel Martinez Mtz.

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